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A Joyful Night
Citation:   EasyRider. "A Joyful Night: An Experience with 2C-E (exp67447)". Mar 11, 2008.

T+ 0:00
20 mg oral 2C-E (powder / crystals)
  T+ 1:00 2.0 mg insufflated Pharms - Alprazolam (pill / tablet)
  T+ 1:30 3 hits smoked Cannabis  
  T+ 3:00 1 repeated oral Alcohol  
Last night was my first night ever using 2C-E. I was lucky enough to get it from an acquaintance who had ordered it off the internet. I am happy to report that it was completely worth it, but also completely different from what I expected. Before last night, I had had no past experience with hallucinogens. I smoke cigarettes, pot, and salvia; I drink; and I snort cocaine, prescription pills, and amphetamines. I do this all fairly often (on a weekly basis). I expected hallucinogens to be a completely different experience from all these things--I thought I would see visuals and hear things, but this didn't turn out to be the case. I was in for a much different experience, but one that was definitely not disappointing.

I was planning to attend a house party last night at 10:30pm with a group of good friends. I figured that this comfortable atmosphere would be a good place to try something new. So around 7:30, I took the 2C-E, dissolved in a capful of water. The doseage was 20 mg, which turned out to be reasonable, as I experienced no negative effects that night.

After taking the 2C-E, I had some time to burn before the party, so I went to my best friend's house, hoping to start feeling the effects there. I didn't really feel any effects for an hour after taking the drug, so I snorted 2mg of Xanax (half a bar) around 8:30 or 9. I was a little worried about what the 2C-E would be like when it hit. So far it was throwing me for a loop, because I wasn't feeling anything yet. My friend was drinking and suggested that we go smoke. It only took about 3 hits of the marijuana for me to feel very, very high. This was about 1.5 hours after the 2C-E and I was finally feeling it.

Everything felt nice, enjoyable, perfect. I took pleasure in everything--our conversation, the sense of friendship, the beauty of our spot outside, the stars above us. I wasn't seeing anything or 'tripping out,' but I felt incredibly happy. My friend had other plans after toking, so I got a ride to the house party, about 3 hours after taking the 2C-E. By this time the marijuana was wearing off and the combination of Xanax and 2C-E was taking effect. I felt happy, warm, and loving. I was content just to be.

As the night progressed and the 2C-E took over, I had an urge to just lie on the couch and let everything around me wash over me--music, people, voices. At the same time, I was completely in control over myself and my thoughts--it just felt good to let go and feel the pleasure of every experience. It felt extraordinarily good to be touched. I decided that 2C-E would be an amazing drug to go dancing or clubbing on. It was a very physical drug, not mental, in that I could think straight and act sober, but felt very bodily high and pleasant, very physically responsive to everything in my environment. I was definitely much more in control of myself than the drunk people around me, but I was definitely high.

I felt bad for those around me, because I knew that feeling drunk was crap compared to this perfect feeling. Throughout the entire night I felt absolutely no discomfort. I was chainsmoking constantly, and even sipping straight vodka. The only downside was that I was completely reticent. Whereas alcohol and marijuana tend to make me talkative, the 2C-E made me more contemplative, quiet, and content. I wanted to be able to join in on the loud, talkative party atmosphere, but I just didn't feel outgoing enough to verbalize.

Physically, though, I was very responsive to touch and very warm and happy at the peak, which was between 12am and 2am. The effects finally tapered off around 4 or 5am. All in all, a very good experience that I am looking forward to repeating again ASAP. Hopefully next time I will experience the colors and visions that my other friends had while on the drug.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 67447
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 11, 2008Views: 6,320
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2C-E (137) : First Times (2), Glowing Experiences (4), Various (28)

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