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It Kept Hiding Under the Carpet, and Words
Ketamine & LSD
by Draq
Citation:   Draq. "It Kept Hiding Under the Carpet, and Words: An Experience with Ketamine & LSD (exp67501)". Jan 25, 2019.

T+ 0:00
1 tablet oral LSD (blotter / tab)
  T+ 0:30 1 tablet oral LSD (blotter / tab)
  T+ 0:30   smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  T+ 0:00 1 line insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
  T+ 0:00 1 line insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
  T+ 0:00 1 tablet oral LSD (blotter / tab)
  T+ 0:00 1 line insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
  T+ 0:00   repeated smoked Cannabis (plant material)
So I guess ill start by saying I've been doing Harder shit for awhile now. Its been like 2 years since it all started. A couple months since a Coke Overdose.

I've been obsessed with Ketamine, I always studied it before the trip ever occured. Something about the word 'K-hole' just like drew my intrest big time. Not too mention my closest friend/relative feels the same way, but once again, Who can blame us?

So the night started out like this, bought a gram of extremely good quality K, we normally Re-up in the city every week.

As I was saying, I then bought 4 hits of acid, I thought 2 would be enough for a decent trip but thats all I've been taking the past couple of weeks.

Took the first one around 5pm, Always over excited for the trip to begin at this point.

5:30 I took the other hit, then smoked two blunts with a few of the other people at the party, they took some Acid and K, but not as much. We had a newcomer along for the ride too, but we didnt blast him off into the K-hole.

So it was set pretty much, the acid had me keep the biggest smile on my face coming up, I thought of my reality. I was with my sister and brother in law so I was safe, we had Shpongle playing in one room, and Tiesto in the other. Before hand we ran to wal-mart. Bought a fuckton of christmas lights and then set them up around the entire house, hanging from the sides of the ceiling, one room was entirely darkness, with the christmas lights matching differently for each room, one was green, the other blood red, the Shpongle room blue. And the Tiesto room purple. Of course we had a visualizer going. The music started to get more appreciation from everybody. The one guy could not stop laughing like Peter griffin from family guy (Its just how his personality was I guess). But he just kept laughing like that, and all of us in the other room were just busting up because it was borderline agitating and borderline hilarious for how many hours it kept on like that.

Anyway, As I was saying I busted out a nice huge Rail of K, rolled the 100$ up perfectly and of course, 'Fucked Katherine' as we call it.

10 minutes in, the normal K expierience, everything seems alittle bit more slow. My reflexes borderline between super slow and super fast. I cant remember much of coming up from there. But I remember my friends asking me if I was okay, and all I could say was 'Some kind of K-hole!' In like a robotic voice, we seem to always talk from high pitch to mid pitch to low pitch when were on K, its like our own personal language I guess. So everyone kept laughing, But as people were talking, and I was sobering up, I did another line.

When people spoke, It was like certain letters triggered certain K-holes throughout the night. The visuals from the acid kept it super crazy. I picked up some green glow sticks and of course started just raving out. 2 others started doing the same. Pretty soon I saw the visualizer just flood my vision occasionally. Then I'd walk back into the visualizer room and just chill there for a bit, then get back up and start dancing with Katherine again. I took another hit of acid. Thats when reality and my world kinda seperated more then ever (As it always does every weekend).

Pretty soon my vision was blurry, if anyone has played Assassins Creed for the 360, The way that game focus's was how I was seeing things and people. I had the weirdest conception the people around me were in Different K-holes. But I was here because like someone hired them to watch me, When I concentrated enough on going deeper in the hole, I saw a dark shadow squirm across the floor, it was random each time. But it would climb onto the wall and jump into someones body, thats when I thought I could hear there thoughts (Even though it seems farfetched now, it seemed so real when it was happening.) The night went on for quite awhile.

As I was coming down sorta off of the acid around 10 or 11, we were so surprised how early it was, and how everyone was running low on K already even though we baked an ounce the night before. I didnt want to leave the hole yet though, I didnt care what the acid wanted to do. So of course, another rail to keep me in that awesome hole. I sat down watching the visualizer. My back against the floor and my head against the corner of the wall propped up by a pillow. I felt like I was moving toward the visualizer. But my visuals and trails and patterns were all pulling me out of my body. Through the corner of the floor. I felt and saw as though my head was real close to my knees. But I was still laying down. As that hole was closing up I saw a golden light from behind the wall. It almost felt like another entity or being, I couldnt really explain it even if I tried harder then this. Pretty soon the visualizer and music in itself gave me a weird concept. If these things speaking in the music was actually how Demonic forces connected with us. The concept in my head was an outside party, with a gigantic fountain of color changing water, and a demon morphing straight into the water, The sounds I heard that night were so other-worldly. So throughout the entire night the doses were 6 blunts, 3 bowls. 3 pieces of paper. And of course a gram of my greatest friend, Katherine.

These expierences are priceless, and they always will be remembered that was as long as I live. Life seems to keep reminding me its more and more delicate as I get older, so never take it for granted, And always keep my head on the right way and never let anyone tell me who I am supposed to or should be.

You can call me J, I am an expierienced K-hole traveler.

Peace <3

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 67501
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 25, 2019Views: 1,036
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Ketamine (31), LSD (2) : General (1), Combinations (3), Music Discussion (22), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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