Not Spiritual, but Damn Fun!
Citation:   barker66. "Not Spiritual, but Damn Fun!: An Experience with LSD & MDMA (exp67694)". Jul 10, 2021.

1 tablet oral MDMA (pill / tablet)
  1 drop   LSD (liquid)
  1 tablet oral MDMA (pill / tablet)
[Erowid Note: A substance(s) in this report might be identified incorrectly. Erowid reviewers question the author's identification of the drug described. Although the report is included in the collection, the substance might be something other than the author believed it to be.]
Before this night I had used LSD a few times, as well as had one or two good rolls. I'm 18, male, about 175lb. Usually one pill doesn't do much for me, but I find that my LSD experiences are just as intense as everyone elses.

Skylab 2007, just outside Denver. It was a rave with about 10,000 guests, indoor/outdoor, good old school vibe tons of space to chill, and amazing music. I knew about a dozen of my frinds would be there that night.

I started off the night with a pill of...well i can't say what exactly, but it was pretty good because as I was asking around to find some dose, I could definitely feel things picking up. finally I find what I'm looking for and pay $10 for a guy to drop some liquid on my hand. before things start really picking up I pop another pill, find my friends, and bring them back to the guy with the acid and buy them a dose.

At this point i'm definitely rolling, I feel amazing, my mind is buzzing, and suddenly I notice the visuals. I look up at the stars, and then down at the gravel, which for some reason.. is paisley. Everyone looks amazing, their clothing is writhing around them, every pattern is a living organism.

I'm lounging around with two of my friends talking to EVERYONE that pops a squat. Meeting significant people, having significant conversations, only as things go on, I find myself less able to communicate, until my conversations are reduced to 'Hi, are you having a good night?' 'I'm doing just, amazing!First time candyflipping erh....' and I'm drawn again to the ground, the half dead grass looks like a Jackson Pollock, greens, brown, yellow, white. Finally I realize that I have barely danced since my friends' arrival, and I'm missing Armin van Burren. 'Guys let go dance! Like, NOW!' they agree and we begin the 400ft trek to the main stage. However, being on a different planet than I was they just started talking to every single person we passed on the way. We would all stop, at first I tried to talk, but after the sixth or seventh time we stopped and weren't even half way there I realized I was just walking around them in circles like a satellite waiting for forward progress. Eventually I told my companions I'd see them later, and rushed to the stage.

I've never danced that hard, and I'm definitely not a dancer. Only at raves. I danced until everything ached and I was drenched in sweat, my own, and others' and then I danced some more. This was definitely what I needed, and was the best part of the night for me. It was the ultimate audio visual and physical experience.

[Erowid Note: Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. Don't do it!]
I drove myself and a friend there, and I was our ride home. I was definitely stimulated, during the drive, but thought i was just rolling a little bit. When I got back to my room and on my bed, I realized that my walls were crawliing/melting.
I'd say that was my strongest roll and definitely my strongest LSD trip up to that point. I had strong visuals until about 2pm the next day and ingested the acid before midnight.

Overall, it was amazing, and I look forward to candyflipping at an event like it in the future, though, I'll probably be more concentrated on doing my own thing.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 67694
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 10, 2021Views: 689
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LSD (2), MDMA (3) : Combinations (3), Glowing Experiences (4), Music Discussion (22), Hangover / Days After (46), Festival / Lg. Crowd (24)

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