Cannabis & Fluvoxamine
Citation:   Europa. "Enemies: An Experience with Cannabis & Fluvoxamine (exp67707)". Erowid.org. Dec 14, 2007. erowid.org/exp/67707

100 mg oral Pharms - Fluvoxamine (daily)
    repeated smoked Cannabis (plant material)
I have been smoking a moderate amount of cannabis every evening for many years and started to take Fluvoxamine 100mg for anxiety and to improve sleep. This turned out to be a nightmare. Every time I smoked even a very small amount of cannabis after 30-60 minutes I went on a bad trip of very severe anxiety and nausea. I couldn’t do anything than wait for hours for the bad trip to go, tortured by an extremely restless body and mind.

This started the second day that I was on Fluvoxamine. I am an experienced cannabis smoker, I never start flipping on cannabis even with high dosage. Also without cannabis I felt drowsy and uninspired on Fluvoxamine. After three weeks I stopped taking Fluvoxamine and waited one day before smoking cannabis. The bad trip symptoms had completely disappeared. My conclusion is that cannabis and Fluvoxamine are enemies.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 67707
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 14, 2007Views: 12,999
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Cannabis (1), Pharms - Fluvoxamine (297) : Bad Trips (6), Combinations (3), Not Applicable (38)

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