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Pain Relief
Yerba Mate (Ilex Paraguariensis)
Citation:   Oldfatty. "Pain Relief: An Experience with Yerba Mate (Ilex Paraguariensis) (exp67747)". Dec 15, 2007.

3 tsp oral Yerba Mate (daily)
My boyfriend came home with some Bio-Freeze and raved about how it worked on his lower back. I took a look at the ingredients and found Ilex Paraguariensis. Thinking one would benefit more by drinking than rubbing it on I began my experimenting. I was taking asprin for pain in my feet and knees 3-4 times a day and could barely walk upon arising in the AM. I now take 3 heaping teaspoons steaped and strained in a pint of water daily. I have taken NO pain relievers for 3 monthes. Use caution the first 2-3 days as you will need the crapper often. Home day!

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 67747
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 15, 2007Views: 13,010
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Yerba Mate (282) : Health Benefits (32), Medical Use (47), Not Applicable (38)

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