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Infinate Nothingness
Citation:   Zach I.. "Infinate Nothingness: An Experience with LSD (exp67800)". Erowid.org. Apr 19, 2018. erowid.org/exp/67800

2 hits   LSD
One day when experimenting I decided to drop some LSD, not necessarily for recreational purposes, and not to ever be intended again but to expand my consciousness and realize that there are other things to be known out their other than what we can see, also for spirtitual awareness, I theorized this whole concept that everything is connected we are all one, we all link to each other and all exist together as god. We are all god this experience was so amazing that it changed my life forever I realized that the world, universe and life is black and white, not literal yet figuratively. There is always an opposite of something no matter what one thinks it is there is something somewhere that is the EXACT opposite of anything one can think of. I experienced this whole world and shared my own experiences with others. I look at LSD not as a drug, yet a tool for knowing and prepairing for what we will be when we leave this plane. On my “trip” fractals also came in to play and the literal circle of life hallucination, which was EXTREMELY spiritual and I will never forget for the rest of my entire time spent on this plane. I realized that fractals are found everywhere in the universe which other scientists have also discovered but I realized that the infinite of these fractals are forever because the answer to the question of life is always going to try to be found in everything including the earth, which I believe is a living animal just as us. Fractals are these questions left to search for the answer for life, forever and ever searching for this logical explanation, which will never logically be answered. Since my life was changed that night I knew that their was another plane other than where we are living, that is the complete opposite of this material plane, scientist have also discovered something known as anti-mater which has been created in huge pipe tubes at labs underground, scientists discovered that when they get electrons traveling fast enough they put it through and anti siphon filter that turns the charge of the positive electron to a negative. This negative electron is known as Anti-matter and thus is basically a mirror image of the original electron itself this anti-matter is exactly what matter is not. There is a whole other world out there that does exist that we cannot see but
is very real, as a matter in fact even more real than matter itself here on earth that we are all eventually going to experience.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 67800
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 19, 2018Views: 879
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LSD (2) : General (1), Mystical Experiences (9), Unknown Context (20)

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