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Maybe My New Favourite Drug?
by Chip
Citation:   Chip. "Maybe My New Favourite Drug?: An Experience with Codeine (exp67946)". Feb 18, 2020.

64 mg oral Codeine (extract)
After a year or so of experimenting with various legal drugs including Bzp, LSA and Kratom I have found them to be enjoyable but not ideal for regular use (Had ONE very nice experience with kratom out of around 10).

Had no previous with any form of Opiates, the closest I have come is Kratom, and although it has definitely worked for me every time, every experience bar one was followed by bad nausea

Recently I became more and more interested in Codeine, I'd heard of it for a while and I'd heard of the Cold water extraction technique. However I never bothered looking at it in detail expecting it to be too complicated and taxing for my liking.

However, after discovering that I had a bunch of Cuprofen Plus tablets (200mg Ibuprofen 12.8mg codeine) in my drawer I quickly realised that there was some real potential to discover a new drug I was able to use regularly.

And so I did some research and found that the CWE was actually very simple and after even more research I found that I was able to use Ibuprofen safely in the CWE technique (despite varying reports) In fact I was so excited by this that I decided to do it that very night. I very rarely do things on impulse like that when it comes to new drugs but I was fairly confident that codeine was pretty safe if used responsibly.

So anyway I decided I would only have a small dose, just to get a taster (something I do with every new drug experience) So quickly I got to sorting the CWE out (using an old school Shirt) and after 40 minutes or so a glass of clearish liquid sat in front of me.

I gulped it down with some juice or something similar I cant remember but I do remember it tasting slightly bitter, nothing too bad though and then I went for a shower.

I started feeling a little heavy limbed and ever so slightly sedated in the shower, I got out and went to my room and with a lack of ideas I decided to browse the internet for a while. With some relaxing music in the background, this proved to be pretty satisfying, I felt very content and any pain I was feeling was drastically reduced, I sat there spacing out for an hour or so before retiring to bed.

Unfortunately I had already peaked in what was a very very mild codeine experience but lying in the dark with an Ipod full of tunes from my 'Classic Euphoria' CD (basically chilled out trance) was a very pleasant feeling. After about another hour or so I had still not fallen asleep and was completely back to baseline. It took me another couple of hours to fall asleep (I dont fall asleep easy)

The next morning I woke up and my legs felt slightly weak for about an hour or so. After a shower this feeling diminished greatly.

To conclude, even at such a small dose it was a pretty pleasant experience, there is definitely potential for it to become my 2nd favourite drug (next to cannabis of course) and may even set me off on a wild opiate journey (which may or may not be a good thing ;) )

I think the next time I try it (which will be very soon) I will have around 95mg of the stuff. Perhaps I will combine it with cannabis which I assume would be a pretty good idea

I know Ive mentioned Kratom alot in this report but I feel that they were both very similar experiences. Although I didn't have a high enough dose of codeine to warrant a comparison I felt that with codeine, the opiate induced nausea wouldn't be too hard to control, whereas with the Kratom it was very hit and miss ( mostly miss for me). Which was a shame because I really enjoyed the feeling of Kratom, just not the sickness part.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 67946
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 18, 2020Views: 2,053
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Codeine (14) : First Times (2), Personal Preparation (45), Alone (16)

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