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Diet Anyone?
by Axim
Citation:   Axim. "Diet Anyone?: An Experience with Caffeine (exp6800)". Jun 30, 2001.

  oral Caffeine (liquid)
I was only 14 years old and the daily thing was to go to the coffee shop and get something that would allow me to stay awake during my classes. For 6 months, pretty much all i would eat or drink was coffee and fruit (more coffeie then the fruit). I had insomnia for 4 months sometimes not sleeping at all for a week. I played sports and did well in school, but I was also losing A LOT of weight with out even realizing it. The caffeine i would consume would give me what I now call 'fake energy'. I would burn more energy in a short amount of time so that meant i would have to drink more coffee.

I lost 30 lbs in the first month.. 3 months into it I had lost 60 lbs. I began falling asleep and then waking up to find I had slept though a couple days.

So I quit. cold turkey. And let me tell you, those who say caffeine is not addicting are wrong. But i did it. it took me another few months to gain most of my weight back.

Now i look back and remember when i would have 1000mg of caffeine and then go for a run and do faster then anyone. But i wasn't really worth it when i would collapse afterwards...

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 6800
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 30, 2001Views: 8,073
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Caffeine (11) : Various (28), Addiction & Habituation (10), Health Problems (27)

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