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Intrinsically Anxiety Inducing
Citation:   MachineGunBallad. "Intrinsically Anxiety Inducing: An Experience with 2C-I (exp68202)". Jan 10, 2018.

  repeated   2C-I
I've been taking 2ci for about a year and a half now, on and off. I've dosed somewhere around 10 times. My doses have always been at least 20 mg, except for my latest experience, which was at 12.5 mg. Here are some of my general impressions about this substance:

-Very pretty and enjoyable alterations to sound and sight. Lovely swirling, bubbling visuals, and a deep connection to song, almost akin to MDMA.

-'Electric' body buzz. One feels an intense energy within your body. Perfect for dancing. The energy is particularly prominent in the teeth and stomach.

-Takes awhile to come up, usually around an hour and a half.

But alas, this drug has one significant flaw: anxiety. Unlike its chemical sibling, 2CB, which creates fantastic empathy and relaxation, 2CI seems to always pit people against each other. This doesn't only apply to those who have consumed the drug, but those surrounding the ones who have consumed the drug (this drug is very prone to 'contact highs,' in my experience - as described in PiHKAL). I find conversations on this drug to be strained and aggravating, resembling more a battle between egos than a discussion between people. I noticed this every time except once when I have taken it with people (that one time being in combination with LSD, a truly beautiful and synergistic duo), no matter the dose (be it 35 mg or 12.5mg).

Though I have thoroughly enjoyed myself during solo 2CI experiences.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 68202
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 10, 2018Views: 1,030
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2C-I (172) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Various (28)

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