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One of the Best Decisions I Have Made
Citation:   19KB88. "One of the Best Decisions I Have Made: An Experience with MDMA (exp68220)". Apr 10, 2020.

T+ 0:00
  oral Vitamins / Supplements (pill / tablet)
  T+ 0:00 1 tablet oral MDMA (pill / tablet)
  T+ 1:45 1 tablet oral MDMA (pill / tablet)
Rolling for the 1st Time at a Rave

I tried smoking pot for the first time when I was sixteen. At that time, I was notoriously 'straight edge' (didn't drink or do drugs- frowned upon people who did, very good student ect.) Since that first toke I have been a regular user, and I am a better person because of it. I am more understanding, empathetic, caring, outgoing, tolerant, ect.
I tried psychedelic mushrooms for the first time when I was eighteen, and had a wonderful experience with them.So you can see the natural progression of things,I have begun to experiment with more drugs and alcohol.

A friend of mine from college convinced me to try MDMA.'Ben' had rolled before,and discussed every aspect of Ecstasy with me. Two days later a friend and I drove 5 hours to 'Ben's' friends house to attend a local rave and try E. Ben was unavailable that weekend, but assured me I could attend the rave with his friends and have an amazing experience. I brought my trusted friend with me, because I had never met 'Ben's' friends, yet I was going to roll with them!!-? (it sounds like a bad idea/dangerous, and yes I was a bit apprehensive about the whole situation, but figured I had the 'buddy system' and if anything went wrong, or felt bad we would leave and drive back to school.)
* Before going to the concert, the friend gives me a handful of vitamins to take. He says they minimize any damaging effects that E may cause, and help the body recover,

Of what I can are the chronicles of the night::

Oct-27-2007 Four days after my nineteenth birthday.

10:30pm The nine of us (including myself) have been wandering around for 2 hours. There are DJ's going in separate rooms, but the main attraction doesn't begin until midnight. Seven out of 9 take one tab, we go upstairs and dance trying to jump start the trip.

11:45 We decide to go downstairs 'My legs feel a little rubbery!' I say and the others agree, the E is kicking in.

12:15 The main floor is flooded with people. I begin to notice that moving feels wonderful, just dancing makes me smile. I notice that there are dozens of people walking past me with huge, dilated pupils. I go to the bathroom/water fountain, lo and behold my eyes are the size of saucers- I laugh and get excited, this feels as though it will be a VERY fun night.I take the second tab...

1:00 The main DJ is on, I have been dancing for a while, the backdrop on stage is projecting kaleidescope-esque visuals, and inside I feel very light, yet my heart feels like it may burst out of my chest, Someone mentions we should go outside, but I decline, out of paranoia that one of the event police will see my eyes and arrest me or something. A friend assures me everything is fine,so we go outside and sit to rest. I sit and close my eyes, I can still feel the beat going through my body, the BEAT... Who knew music could feel so amazing?
I sit and close my eyes, I can still feel the beat going through my body, the BEAT... Who knew music could feel so amazing?
I realize that my system is now flooded with serotonin, and I'm beginning to peak. I give everyone around me hand and back massages while sitting. Touching another person with my hands is practically orgasmic at this point.

2:00am still sitting outside, the cool breeze still feels good on my hot skin. I begin people watching, and notice EVERYONE is doing some form of a drug, it makes me really happy, I tell everyone around me that I'm incredibly happy, and I'm so glad I made the drive.

2:30 We go back inside, my appendages have a life of their own, I'm dancing with people left and right. An interesting thing I experienced... When strangers made eye contact,and both of us saw the other's pupils, a smile would creep onto their face. Within minutes that same person would walk over and ask me 'How are you?!' implying 'how is your trip going?' to which I always replied 'AMAZING!!' then we'd hug and laugh.

I've never hugged so many people at once, and I've never felt closer to another human being. The people I rolled with will always have a special place in my heart, I feel like I was a part of this interconnected soul sharing, deeply attached to everyone who I came into contact with. Of course every person I met was very friendly, and we shared ideas, thoughts.....none of which I can remember.

I tell all my friends 'Even if Ecstasy DID cause your spinal fluid to run backwards, and holes in your brain, THIS IS TOTALLY WORTH IT.'

I watch several light shows, they blow my mind. Colors are very intense, and everything I look at triggers a swelling of euphoria inside my lungs and stomach.I'm delighted to see familiar faces (by familiar I mean I recognized them from earlier that night) yet we embrace like we've know and loved each other for ages.

3:30 I am still tripping really hard.I dance to the music with a guy who has his arms around my waist, and my arms are over his. Between the music, and the skin on skin, I think this is the best drug ever invented, Throughout the night I clinch my jaw, but it wasn't a problem.

5:00 I am coming down, probably 1/2 way there. The magical feeling of my 'fairy tale rave night' is wearing off
6:30 I am exhausted from dancing, and immediately fall asleep.

The trip lasted over 5 hours, and they were the best 5 hours of my life. (Maybe not THE best, but you get the picture.) For the next week I felt the afterglow of the night, and constantly day dreamed about it. To this day, whenever I hear Benny Benassi, my heart beats a little faster :)

As a former anti-drug believer, I think that every drug, when used carefully and in moderation is suitable for MOST people.I think research is important for nme to be able to use drugs in the fun and enjoyable manner they are intended to be used. My first experience with Ecstasy was undoubtedly a 10 out of 10, it has been one of the best decisions I have made while in college.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 68220
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 10, 2020Views: 751
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MDMA (3) : First Times (2), Glowing Experiences (4), Music Discussion (22), Rave / Dance Event (18)

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