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Naked Investigation of the Stranger in the Pickup
Citation:   ExDelayed. "Naked Investigation of the Stranger in the Pickup: An Experience with Zolpidem (exp68290)". Sep 14, 2018.

15 mg oral Pharms - Zolpidem (pill / tablet)
I had been having trouble sleeping for some time and my friendly local doctor had given me a script for Ambien to help with the problem. I'm guessing the year as I cant really remember that, but I remember the effects.

It wasn't my intent that night to go on a little trip but I did. Its effects were different then all the other times I had taken Ambien. I would usually take it and play around on the computer until I got sleepy, then lay down. Always seemed to do the trick. This night was somewhat different. I had only taken a 5mg dose the night before so I figured what the hell and took the extra 5mg from the night before with the 10mg I was taking that night. I took the pills and went and jumped in the shower, figuring that I had a good twenty to thirty minutes before I needed to be in bed. Perhaps I hadn't eaten late enough that night or something but it hit me harder and faster then it ever had before. I hurried and finished my shower, perhaps twenty minutes tops and was already getting a little wobbly on my feet. I can handle this, I thought, Ill be ok. I got dried off and headed for my bed.

As I approached the bedroom I noticed that I had left the blind open. I knew the Ambien was in full effect by now as I was sneaking around the house. When I noticed the bare window, I spied into the room to make sure that nobody was watching me in the darkness. I snuck up to the window and looked outside for the person that I 'knew' was there. Instead of seeing someone outside the window looking in, I noticed somebody in my truck which was parked by the side of the house. I stared at the 'person' for what felt like an eternity waiting for them to move, they never did. Ill sneak outside and catch them, thats a great plan! I open my ground floor window and popped the screen off, heart pounding for fear of the person catching me trying to catch them in the pickup. I sneak by the back of the house, my eyes trying to see in the dark without my glasses on. It probably took me a good thirty minutes to sneak past the back of the house (maybe 30 feet), but they still hadn't moved.

I reached the end of the house, I was still shielded from the moon because of the deck overhead. I peered at the mystery person in the pickup for what seemed like another twenty minutes. Finally I decided it was time to catch them and jumped out of the darkness and opened the door of the truck. The mystery person was not a person at all. I was seeing the shadow of the driver's seat. I remember a feeling of embarrassment crossing over me quickly and then fading as I realized I had just wasted that time for a seat. I turned to go back into the house and stepped on something sharp which brought my attention back to reality rather quickly. I looked down to see what it was (a small rock) and realized that I had forgotten something when I noticed the mystery person.

I was standing in the middle of the backyard, in view of probably three other houses, stark ass naked.

I went back under the deck and peered around the corner of the house, closely inspecting all the windows of the other houses that I could see for other mystery people. There were none. I now headed back towards my window, very conscious of every little sound I was making in the darkness, waiting for someone to see me sneaking back in. Nobody did.

It had to be my most unAmbien trip I have ever had. I have had people throwing magenta balls of light at me from 1200 miles away. I have carried on a conversation with Brad Pitt's Fight Club character (I had the 12'x4' movie banner), I do remember it was quite intense until I was interrupted by one of the Men In Black cigarette men telling me to shut up, and that I was full of shit. I have had little leprechauns having a small campfire by my bed and have watched them for what seemed like hours, remembering how happy they seemed. I even had some bigger leprechauns (the camp fire ones were probably under 6' tall) follow me around the house as I have talked to other actual people. The people would always look at me funny when I would look behind me and tell them, 'come on guys, time to go' and walk away.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 68290
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 14, 2018Views: 1,189
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Pharms - Zolpidem (143) : General (1), Alone (16)

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