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Spun Around Like a Windmill
Salvia divinorum (20x extract)
by Chip
Citation:   Chip. "Spun Around Like a Windmill: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (20x extract) (exp68516)". Oct 21, 2022.

2 hits smoked Salvia divinorum (extract)
I'm a young man, roughly 6 feet, 180 pounds. It was an extraordinarily nice day when I was talking to a friend who I would smoke pot with from time to time. While we were both out of weed and unable to get any more for the day, he told me that a package came today containing a bag of Salvia 20x extract. I went over that afternoon expecting to smoke Salvia with my friend E. On the baggie it came in, the salvia was labeled 'incense: do not consume.' We sat for a while, catching up on the latest parts of our lives and then decided to get to the Salvia. E lives with his parents in an affluent neighborhood, their large property was beautiful and secluded by thick treelines.

I decided I'd let E smoke his bowl first; we didn't have a waterpipe so we used a regular pipe. He packed a heaping pinch of the grainy extract into the bowl and didn't hesitate to light it, inhale, hold his hit in as long as he could, and exhale slowly. He did this probably two more times before setting the pipe down. He sat on his bed and remained quiet. He had tried it before, but I was excited to see what the effects were. E's eyes were deep and he was generally pretty quiet. His body started to sway from side to side and when I'd make small talk about the drug he'd laugh, and let out the occasional '...Whoa...' His trip lasted several minutes until he snapped out of his trance-like appearance.

We switched spots and I sat on his bed, I was nervous and decided the softer bed would be more comfortable then the computer chair next to it. He took the bag of Salvia and prepared a bowl for me. He handed me the pipe and the lighter. I slowly raised the flame to the bowl and sucked in like I'd normally smoke a pipe however I did make a note to take a deeper hit and hold it for longer. I held the hit for twenty or thirty seconds and then blew out. I was used to tasting marijuana out of a pipe so this was slightly different. It didn't taste bad, almost spicy and very plant-like. I tried to get one more hit in and used the same routine: A deep inhale, holding the smoke, and then letting out with a sigh. Immediately after I set the pipe down on the nightstand, my mind shifted. I laughed hoarsely and quickly at first, but it seamlessly built into a full hysterical laughter. It was an intense, shrill giggle, and I struggled to hold my head up with all the strength in my neck and stared at the floor. As I stared at his red carpet I noticed my vision was very shakey as well. As much as I'd have wanted to stop, I could not stop giggling. Every time I'd take a deep breath to regain myself from the laughing fit, I'd exhale and begin laughing again. I was laughing so continuously that it felt like I started to drool. My lower lip was relaxed and I couldn't suck it up. It felt like this had to have lasted several minutes.

During the laughing fit, I would have described my body as feeling 'confused.' I felt like my legs were shifting heavily to the left, and that my torso was being spun around like a windmill. An unexplained new dimension, a new gravity was pushed into my body. While normal gravity pushes down, this new gravity pushed up, down, sideways, back and forth, like strong erratic wind.
An unexplained new dimension, a new gravity was pushed into my body. While normal gravity pushes down, this new gravity pushed up, down, sideways, back and forth, like strong erratic wind.
It was powerful. I didn't experience any hallucinations or spiritual during my trip but the physical aspect of it was very intense, and as described, very brief.

The feelings lessened, and my laughter stopped. During my laughing fit, E was sitting across from me, laughing at me because of my uncontrollable laughter. It felt like my mind was hijacked by this drug (although not in a negative sense) and I was reclaiming the controls again. I wrongly decided that the effects were over and decided to stand up. A drunken-like balance problem hit me immediately and I decided to just sit on the floor. I was able to speak fluently now and described my experiences to my friend. I remembered my laughing fit and immediately apologized for drooling on E's floor. He responded with a strange look and told me that I wasn't drooling at all. I tried standing up again, and although I still didn't feel 100% stable, I was able to walk without falling to the floor. I sat back up on the bed with a strange afterglow. It wasn't negative or positive, just a sort of daze.

It was such a nice day that we decided to go out on his back deck to smoke cigars and drink a few Cokes. During all of this my Salvia experience still ran across my mind and I was still affected by the strange afterglow, which wore off in several hours.

Overall I describe my trip as extremely enjoyable physically. It was by far the most intense drug I've ever tried (out of a list of very few, however) and while I didn't experience anything powerful mentally or spiritually, I would recommend the experience at least once after researching the risks and effects.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 68516
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 21, 2022Views: 269
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Salvia divinorum (44) : General (1), Glowing Experiences (4), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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