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First and Last Time
Cacti - T. peruvianus (Peruvian Torch)
Citation:   Shrooman. "First and Last Time: An Experience with Cacti - T. peruvianus (Peruvian Torch) (exp68583)". Erowid.org. Jul 26, 2018. erowid.org/exp/68583

30 g oral Cacti - T. peruvianus (dried)
I prepared 30g of dried Peruvian Torch cactus by first crushing it to powder then mixing in just enough lemon juice to make a hard dough. The dough was then made into pill sized balls and frozen for a couple hours, thawed, then swallowed whole. The recipe and freezing were suggested as a good way to break down the cactus and ingest without chewing. Seemed to work pretty well.

After almost an hour of swallowing little balls of my sour concoction I sat back to enjoy a movie at home to await my first mescaline experience. I knew it would be a long night - 14 hours is about how long this trip takes and it took over an hour to get the first waves.

I could go into detail about the trip but will only say that some visuals (halos and distortion) and a creative wandering mind sum it up. I have an iron stomach but still felt the occasional unease as this paste expanded in my gut. I am also not prone to headache but a slight headache persisted the next day (not during). I probably needed more fluids.

Really what I want to share is that this experience did not hold anything new for me. I am a regular user of magic mushrooms and do not feel I will try other mescaline cactus in future. The experience was close enough to mushrooms that there is little point.

These were the drawbacks of the experience for me :
Length of time ~ long time to take effect, long time to trip, and a day to fully recover.
Nausea ~ Although shrooms can cause nausea they do not for me. The Peruvian torch did – not as bad as other experiences I read but certainly enough to make me cautious about doing more. I did not have to vomit but my bloated tummy did complain on occasion.
Bored ~ I must admit I got bored with the process and, after 5 hours, started to smoke pot to change my head space and to fight the mild nausea. My comments are not based on this combination. Perhaps taking more would have been better for the experience but I fear what more would do to my stomach. Don't get me wrong – the dose I took provided strong effects but I felt a bit restless.

I think that mushrooms provide a similar but superior experience with greater effects, less nausea, less recovery time, and quicker results. There are enough differences from shrooms but not enough for me to try it again.

Comparative dosage information provided with my Peruvian torch :
(I can only assume these are accurate but have not confirmed with other sources.)

Peruvian Torch ~ 300mg mescaline per 38g dried
Peyote ~ 300mg mescaline per 28g dried
San Pedro ~ 300mg mescaline per 100g dried.

~ Shrooman

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 68583
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 26, 2018Views: 2,303
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Cacti - T. peruvianus (69) : General (1), First Times (2), Unknown Context (20)

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