Embracing Mortality
Citation:   Guerillabedlam. "Embracing Mortality: An Experience with LSD (exp68587)". Erowid.org. Jun 30, 2020. erowid.org/exp/68587

3 hits oral 1B-LSD (blotter / tab)
    repeated smoked Tobacco  
This is a report on my second LSD experience that happened a couple years back. I come back to this experience because at the time it was quite profound but left me with a feeling of isolation.

My previous drug use prior to this experience was Alcohol, Pot, Mushrooms and one LSD trip. The previous LSD trip I took two hits of quality LSD while at a beautiful location overlooking the San Francisco Bay with a couple of other people who were not tripping. While this trip was a lot of fun and had its moments of introspection and mild ego dissolution, time distortion was the only severely significant feeling I felt and I still had the mindset of it as 'tripping' and not necessarily viewing it as a spiritual experience. Because of the length of LSD I was kind of hesitant to go back to it as I saw mushrooms having a very similar experience but not being quite as draining on the brain.

I decided to give LSD another try and this time the effects were quite different. This time me and my buddy were taking it with 3 other people just hanging out smoking pot and hookah at my buddy's house.

(0:00) I took the 3 hits of blotter acid and my buddy took his two hits.

(0:20) I start to feel off and a little bit queasy not to the extent that I had nausea like I sometimes get with mushrooms but I felt like my body knew it had a potent foreign substance that it was breaking down and absorbing.

(0:30) I definitely am coming up a lot quicker than last time and harder too. I ask to hit the hookah to kind of ease my nerves of this unexpected intensity already. I became very cold outside as well and told my friends that I needed to get up and walk around. I planned to be outside the majority of the trip and my buddy has a cool little trail right outside his home that I was going to explore, but the intensity and suddenness of the come up changed those plans quickly.

From here on out I'm not going to give the time markers as A) some of it might be a bit out of place and B) time was a fairly meaningless concept during the trip so I think I am not doing it out of respect for the profundity of the experience.

I proceeded to tell everyone about the chills I was getting and told them I was in control but I simply needed to go inside. So as I headed inside I lied down on the couch and became engrossed with the living room that looked quite different from when I went outside to smoke the hookah. Colors seemed sharper but constantly fluctuating their hues and I seemed to be able to pick up on corners and little specks in the table that I simply do not notice in a sober state of mind. Not too long after everyone came back in and my other buddy who took acid was laughing hysterically on his 2 hits and seemed to be having a good time but simply 'tripping.'

What I really was just completely amazed about LSD at this dose was the ability to make connections that I normally never even think of such as I remember thinking about what it would be like growing up as my friend and the difference it would be living under his parents opposed to mine.
I remember thinking about what it would be like growing up as my friend and the difference it would be living under his parents opposed to mine.
My buddies put on the Beatles 'Magical Mystery Tour' which made me gain new appreciation of the true talent of The Fab 4 as I felt they totally understood and were trying to represent the psychedelic experience through their music.

Around the 5 hour mark people started going home and my buddy put on the movie The Doors. This is really where my trip was dramatically different from the last time. I didn't really have any interest in the movie but I would hear certain words or watch certain parts and relate my life to the movie, and as my friends fell asleep and my other buddy tripping was possibly swimming his own ocean of mind or whatever he was doing I started feeling like I was dying in a sense.

I knew I had not overdosed due to doing research and was pretty comfortable in my settings, but I think my ego was completely dissolved and I closed my eyes and saw a 'Heaven' of sorts that was this square grid fluctuating in colors and in this grid I saw my friends (some that were currently with me.) They all seemed happy and encouraging me in and I felt a presence that I guess the best word to describe it would be would be God and it seemed to be getting joy from this trick of toying with me in this altered state. (None of my close friends before or really since have had this kind of experience and actually most of them do not take hallucinogenic drugs so this is where that sense of isolation from the experience came.) So teetering in this purgatory 'reality' I just came to a conclusion that has stuck to this day. Human Beings are never really in control, just create the illusion that they are.

While that epiphany may seem fairly obvious it has helped me become more aware of it. Subsequent Salvia, mushroom, 2C-B, 2C-E, and Ecstasy trips would reinforce these beliefs but this was the first time where I was just left in disbelief from the effects of a psychoactive substance. End your reading now if you just wanted to read about the trip as the rest of this report will simply be some philosophy and rhetoric that I feel is important.

Humans usually refer to themselves as separate from the animal world, and I don't understand as how we view ourselves as different as while granted we have arguably the most complex brains, our general behavior is no different from that of other animals: Communication, Eating, Sleeping, Dying, Parenting, Learning, Having Sex is seen all across the Animal Kingdom.
Furthermore bodily functions and I'm not trying to make light of some of these just being real: Peeing, Pooping, Farting, Burping, sneezing, yawning, stretching, laughing, crying, are all automatic responses at least some of the time.

It seems in our society this will be something very hard to realize and I possibly could be wrong about the whole thing as well, but the reason it will be so hard is our whole lives we are taught to value our autonomy and differences and to have an experience that shatters that in 12 hours is scary to some, amazing to others.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 68587
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 30, 2020Views: 600
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LSD (2) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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