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Nightly Vivid Dreams
Seroquel & DXM
Citation:   Dmanic. "Nightly Vivid Dreams: An Experience with Seroquel & DXM (exp68725)". Jan 28, 2008.

  repeated oral DXM  
  400 mg oral Pharms - Quetiapine (daily)
To start I`ve done alot of drugs over the past 12 years. Long story short, I got into some trouble with the law trying to obtain a fraudulent prescription of oxycodone and I am now on probation.

Since I have to drop every week for a while I was taking Insane amounts of DXM. One time I took 3200 mgs over the coarse of a day and drank some beers. It caught up with me that night. I started twiching like crazy when I tried to goto sleep that night. When I woke up Still twiching. That lasted for 3 days.

I went to a head shrinker and told him about my self medicating, and he prescribed Seroquel. The first night and every single night since I have the most vivid and rememberable dreams. It's Sometimes cool and sometimes so 'real' it's scary. I`ve been taking them for a month now and have been making some headway on my mental state. It's hard to stay sober but that is my goal eventually.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 68725
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 28, 2008Views: 15,788
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Pharms - Quetiapine (273), DXM (22) : General (1), Not Applicable (38)

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