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As a Party Drug
Citation:   lazrerowidreader. "As a Party Drug: An Experience with Ketamine (exp68762)". Erowid.org. Aug 14, 2018. erowid.org/exp/68762

  repeated oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine (liquid)
    repeated insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
    repeated insufflated Cocaine (powder / crystals)
I read these stories about people injecting Ketamine and trying to go into a K hole and chill and trip as much as they feel is possible. Where I grew up we used K as a party drug, and it definately changed the whole perspective of the drug. By the time of this story one of my good friends was doing enough K that we referred to him as a walking cat. I was hanging out with him and saving money for university, so I knew the cocaine was out of the question as it cost way too much cash. We were drinking some beers at my house and going to a concert at the local bar, before now I had only ever done bumps of K and thought I was dealing with a half hour at a time trip outs. I knew they were extreme but I knew they would end and I could work my way through the trip.

He took out a vial and put it in two bumps, I was now tripping out of control in my bedroom, seconds away from my parents. Yet each time I started comming down I would snort more and more, by the time we were ready to ask my dad for a ride to the concert I was so fucked up I couldnt even walk. There was an awkward ride to my friends house and I'm pretty sure everything I said to my dad was complete jibberish. We got there and did some more drugs, cocaine and more K, by this time I was sharing with everyone how fucked up I was and my friend was telling me he couldnt possibly goto the concert we were supposed to attend.

We ended up skipping out on the concert and wandering the town by ourselves. The point of this story is that despite my parents being home I felt much safer at my own house and didn't want to go anywhere I couldn't immediately chill out at. Wandering the streets was fun but the furthest thing from relaxing. Every time I've done straight K when I'm partying I've been so fucked that I cant even have fun. The party pack is a good time, cocaine, k and booze I spent an entire night on these drugs explaining to all my closest friends how it wasnt worth doing drugs ever again cause I would never reach the high I was at at that time. I felt like I was sinking into the floor and everything around me felt like a school project in a shoe box.
I felt like I was sinking into the floor and everything around me felt like a school project in a shoe box.
I have a highly addictive personality and am a cocaine addict but have never felt addicted to K ever and never crave it. K holes are only fun alone and if I can manage to stay reasonably alert and carry a conversation I definitely have a good time. K holes ruin my night if I'm trying to party.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 68762
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 14, 2018Views: 865
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Ketamine (31) : General (1), Combinations (3), Various (28)

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