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Time Lag
Pregabalin (Lyrica) & Hydrocodone (Vicodin)
Citation:   Bill R. "Time Lag: An Experience with Pregabalin (Lyrica) & Hydrocodone (Vicodin) (exp68829)". Apr 30, 2010.

T+ 0:00
200 mg oral Pharms - Pregabalin (pill / tablet)
  T+ 0:30 50 mg oral Pharms - Pregabalin (pill / tablet)
  T+ 2:00 5 mg oral Hydrocodone (pill / tablet)
I injured my leg skiing earlier this year and was prescribed lyrica (pregabalin) for some non-specific neuropathy after physical therapy. I've gotten better, but I still had about 250mg of the lyrica left. I decided today to take it, and see what happened. I've read some great experiences on line regarding this drug, so I was expecting a pretty fun time.

at T+1:00 I had felt no effects, and I was wondering if I should have taken more. I decided to wait about an hour, but at T+1:45 I started to feel some tingling in my hands and peripheral nervous system, but I wasn't sure if I imagined it.

By T+2:00, I was feeling pretty strange. I had the feeling that my vision and perception was 'lagging' when I moved, which is pretty familiar to me and resembles being high on gabapentin. I decided to go hang out with a friend, but before I did I got a 5mg hydrocodone pill from my roommate. I have a reasonable tolerance to this particular substance, so I didn't expect much, but it can be fun so I took it.

I drove to the local McDonalds to get some lunch, and noticed my perception of events was speeding up and slowing down randomly. I would feel like everything and everyone, myself included, was moving extremely fast, then suddenly it would switch over to everything moving very slow. I would also have the occasional bout of normalcy, where the drugs seemed to be having no effects on me.

Needless to say, this is not a condition to drive in. I could manage, but I recognized the fact that I was not working to my full driving capacity, so I parked and decided to walk around until I chilled out some. I realized I could not really control my walking pace, and noticing this would have sent me into a fit of laughter had I not been in a public place. This began a one hour (or so) period of euphoria that rivaled some of my most profound Vicodin experiences. After that I basically lost all track of time, and finally came down at about T+5:00.

I'm still a bit altered as I write this, but overall I'd say this is one of the best experiences I've had, rivaled only by my first time smoking marijuana. I was euphoric, extremely social, and my perceptions were severely altered.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 68829
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 30, 2010Views: 22,190
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Pharms - Pregabalin (418), Hydrocodone (111) : Combinations (3), Various (28)

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