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Ambien Bioassay
Zolpidem (Ambien)
Citation:   Peabody. "Ambien Bioassay: An Experience with Zolpidem (Ambien) (exp68836)". Sep 18, 2014.

T+ 0:00
10 mg oral Pharms - Dexmethylphenidate (pill / tablet)
  T+ 11:00 5 mg oral Pharms - Zolpidem (pill / tablet)
  T+ 12:00 5 mg oral Pharms - Zolpidem (pill / tablet)
  T+ 12:08 5 mg oral Pharms - Zolpidem (pill / tablet)
  T+ 12:50 10 mg oral Pharms - Zolpidem (pill / tablet)
Ambien Bioassay X
Tuesday, October 9, 2007

I've decided to document a regular-dose zolpidem experience for the sake of science (and recreation) as I am very fond of this substance. Ambien tends to disconnect me from the world, while at the same time causing severe anterograde amnesia, sometimes to my regret the next day.

I should also mention that I take 10mg Focalin(dexmethylphenidate) daily in the morning, but these effects have worn off almost completely by now.

LOCATION: My apartment, located near railroad tracks and a rather large wooded area with a river running through it. Rather beautiful in my opinion, but I doubt I'll be able to utilize this as it is now raining. Roommate is home, and intends to stay up all night.

BACKGROUND: Fairly regular zolpidem user, as I have a legal prescription for it. This dose (10 mg) should have a minimal effect on me, as one rapidly builds a tolerance from constant use.

MINDSET: Fairly upbeat, consumed three light beers approximately 3 hours ago, doubt that this will have an effect. I'm speculating that since certain GABA receptor subunits have already been 'stimulated' tonight that a cross-tolerance may occur.



00:22 (T+0:00): Dose 10 mg Ambien with full glass of water. Not anticipating much as I intend this to be a therapeutic dose experience.

00:36 (T+0:14): Slightly tingly, though this may be placebo. It also may be sweat evaporating from my body as we've had record highs here the past few days.

00:43 (T+0:21): I've noticed that Ambien starts off with a slight stimulant effect, which gradually diminished into a sense of sedation after a little while. Right now I'm in the stimulant stage.

00:57 (T+0:35): Should be noticing moderate effects beginning now, but if anything I'm just a smidgen off baseline. The next ten minutes will tell if 10mg is enough for me.

01:12 (T+0:50): Typed words, when read, are interpreted by my brain as spoken words, so in my head I hear each of them as I type. Quite a weird feeling, in my opinion. Words are also hard to type. This sentence alone has taken me almost 30 seconds to precisely author. I'm definitely feeling more creative at this point, too.

01:17 (T+0:54): Small visual distortions have caught my eye; they are not anything strong. My ceiling seems to be slowly 'floating' over me, ever so subtly. I think I'm going to play guitar..

01:22 (T+1:00): Dosed another half pill (5 mg) as ten mg's doesn't seem to have the kick it used to have.

01:30 (T+1:08): Dosed the other half of that aforementioned pill, because I doubted that 5 extra milligrams would have done anything for me. More waiting, though the last hour has passed seemingly quicker than usual.

02:02 (T+1:40): Thinking about taking another whole 10 mg, because nothing worth mentioning has happened. Perhaps this is due to abstaining from smoking pot, which may add to the hallucinogenic effects. I'm going outside to smoke another cigarette and think about it.

02:12 (T+1:50): Took another 10 mg, as much as I didn't want to. I am completely sober right now, as opposed to when I take more Ambien because I don't remember taking a previous dose. Typing this out really helps me remember when doses were taken.

02:59 (T+2:37): No body feeling except slight euphoria, and crazy hallucinations. Not really hallucinations, more like altering reality.

(Observer: Subject was staring into space in a dark room for several minutes without talking. He then asked for help turning off all 3 of the lights in our apartment, so he could see hallucinations everywhere he went.) I get the hallucinations only in a dark room.

03:59 (T+3:37): Trying to get aforementioned 'observer' to give me my medication back.. bastard.

This is where the trip ends, and I didn't type anything else after this point. Basically we got into a big argument detailing how I am 'addicted' to Ambien, despite the fact that I can go without it for an extended period of time and suffer no ill effects.

Be careful with Ambien, though. If you stay awake after taking it, you'll find yourself in a different world. And have somebody else around, just in case you decide to do something bad, like drive.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 68836
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 18, 2014Views: 3,703
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Pharms - Zolpidem (143) : Large Group (10+) (19), General (1)

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