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Curling Up with a Book and Some Pills
Oxymorphone (Opana IR)
Citation:   Opiate-fanatic. "Curling Up with a Book and Some Pills: An Experience with Oxymorphone (Opana IR) (exp68883)". Oct 17, 2009.

20 mg insufflated Pharms - Oxymorphone (ground / crushed)
A little about my past drug experience's I used to be a daily marijuana user then my freshman year in high school I was introdused to opiates since then I've tried hydrocodone, oxycodon (percocet, roxiecet, oxycontin), fentanyl, hydromorphone, morphine, and codeine, and more recently was in out-patient rehab being treated with buprenorphine (suboxone 8mg sublinguel), I致e also tired cocain, MDMA, ketamine, shrooms, salvia, and I smoke cigarettes. I知 prescribed 1mg alprozolam 4X a day.

My girlfriends mother got a prescrption for oxymorphone after she was black listed by her doctor for selling her OC's. After begging her for a couple of days she gave me 4 5mg Opana IR tablets. Since completing my stint in rehab I had cut down my opiate use to about once a month but I just had to try this new drug!

My mindset was was very excited, and a little aprehensive so I crushed up my 4 tablets with a card and a lighter and to my suprise it crushed up so easy (much like a xanax) and it had the consistancy of cocain, I got everything needed to enjoy a good opiate experience, Mt.dew, camel's, and my tom petty and the heart breakers cd.

T+0:00-I snorted my four lines of opana, a little aprehensive about whats gonna happen.

T+0:05-Slight headchange. Its starting to feel like a mix between dilaudid and a good dose of alprozolam.

T+0:15-Just got done smoking a cigarett, I feel great its just a very nice mellow body high, not trouble typing as with other opiates (mainly codeine).

T+0:30-Listing to Tom Petty is very relaxing, I知 going to smoke another cigarett, then curl up and read the book I just started called Invisable Monsters by Chuck Palahniuk.

T+1:20-Reading is very enjoyable, but my body buzz is just so over whelming, thats its hard to concentrate, also I知 beginning to nod just a wee-bit.

T+2:00-For lack of a better word I知 fucked up, this is one of the fine opiates I have tried, I知 nodding in and out and I've got my my cd on repeat of free falling. My body feels like I could just fly away, and I have a plesant itch all over my body (it feels so good to just lightly scratch).

T+2:30 I belive I have reached the peak effects no longer feel like their rising, I知 pretty messed up and I知 out of cigaretts, I was gonna drive to the stoor but its in usually warm for february so I belive I will walk instead.

T+4:00-My cigarett run turned out to be a little longer than expected but thats ok cause I enjoyed myself its now 5pm and the drug has reached its peak, I havent really started to comedown yet so I知 just gonna mellow out for a while.

T+5:00-I'm starting to comedown I can tell this is gonna be a nice gradual decent that will probably carry me out through the remander of the afternoon.

T+8:00 I haven稚 wrote in the last two hours beacuse nothing has changed I知 still slowly floating down towards base line, I知 a wrap this report up and call it a day, beacuse its now 8pm, and I知 just slowly crawling to what will be a good full night of drug induced sleep.

Overall this has to be one of the best opiates I have tried to date, it starts out small and then hits, except not overpowering, it almost feel like I ran into an old friend at a supermarket and I just sat and talked for hours. I will repeat this again and I have to give oxymorphone a 10 out of 10 beacuse it produced everything I personally look for in a opiate (nice body high, slight nodding effect, and a great sense of well being). It didnt really produce euphoria persay but all in all it is a great drug that I hope to get my hands on again sometime in the next few weeks.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 68883
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 17, 2009Views: 28,172
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Pharms - Oxymorphone (221) : General (1), First Times (2), Glowing Experiences (4), Alone (16)

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