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Weak Shit
Citation:   RecerationalPotHead. "Weak Shit: An Experience with Zolpidem (exp68987)". Erowid.org. May 14, 2018. erowid.org/exp/68987

60 mg oral Pharms - Zolpidem (pill / tablet)
    smoked Cannabis (plant material)
I heard all these amazing stories about how hard you can trip on just 20mg and smoking a bowl. That clothes were moving, things were floating, and 'giants' were in the room.

Well for me it was a crock of shit. I smoked a dub, and took 60mg and barely saw a tracer. I don't know why that might have been, but that I found to be a let down.

The high itself was not bad. I was very happy and care free.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 68987
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 14, 2018Views: 1,063
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Pharms - Zolpidem (143) : General (1), First Times (2), Unknown Context (20)

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