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I’m Really Eager to Try This Again
Morning Glory (Heavenly Blue)
Citation:   sataere. "I’m Really Eager to Try This Again: An Experience with Morning Glory (Heavenly Blue) (exp69095)". May 18, 2018.

T+ 0:00
240 seeds oral Morning Glory (seeds)
  T+ 0:10 .5 bowls smoked Cannabis (plant material)
A gentle first experience

This is my second experience with heavenly blue morning glory, but my first one with noticeable effects. They sell the seeds in 1.5g packs (about 60 seeds) at the Home Depot near my house, so these are extremely easy for me to attain. Before this trip, my only experience with drugs was smoking weed every day, and rolling on an ecstasy/speed combo twice before.

The first time I ever ingested the seeds, I simply ate (chewed and ground extremely thoroughly with my teeth) 225 seeds on an empty stomach, but vomited 20 minutes later, expelling the valuable LSA. I didn’t trip at all, and felt very nauseous after this.

The second time, I did the exact same thing, but ate a small meal approximately 10 minutes before ingestion. I was so eager to trip that I did it at 1:50 on a Monday afternoon, with work at 5:00, and school the next morning.

+00:10 I finish the seeds, and smoke about half a bowl of marijuana to quell the upcoming nausea. I will never use this disgusting method again. I did it merely because I could not find a coffee grinder.

+01:00 I feel nothing. I am rather disappointed, and start worrying because I think my technique didn’t crush the seeds enough to do anything.

I continue watching TV to pass the time, and basically give up the hope that these seeds are going to do anything. It wasn’t until about 2 hours later that anything happens to me. I see a small purple speck flashing on the wall adjacent the TV, but that’s it. I decide to take a shower, because I need to be getting to work.

When I open my eyes after washing my hair, the vertical lines in the wall tiles seem to wave left and right, and even start to converge near the floor. I get really giggly when I realize that I’m actually beginning to trip, and have to silence myself before my father (who is in the next room) hears me.

[Erowid Note: Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. Don't do it!]
My thought processes seem more scattered as I clothe myself and gather my belongings for work. After I finish getting ready, I go out to my dad’s car to get taken to work. I have my temporary license, and am horrified that my dad wants me to drive. I do drive to work, but my thoughts are so intense that I lose track of direction a couple times on the way. I catch my eyes in the rearview mirror, and almost laugh in the car at the size of my pupils. I try as hard as I can to not look at my father in the passenger seat.

The trip keeps building at work, and the colors seem to intensify multiple times, and even gain auras. I go outside for a cigarette, laughing hysterically, and find that the sky and snow seemed to be off-color in some indescribable way. The only hallucinations I experienced besides this were some I can’t finish my cigarette for the life of me. It just tastes so horrible. I don’t know if this is because of the LSA or the nausea, but I throw it out after one hit.

I desperately try to have a conversation with a worker at a nearby store, but my responses seem cryptic and I can’t stop giggling. He seems to possess so much knowledge, and I feel that he knows I’m tripping the instant he looked at me. In retrospect, he probably didn’t.

When I go back inside, the colors seem brighter than even before, and I need to sit down. I feel sick for about 5 minutes, and I can’t get up to make the sandwiches that I need to. These 5 minutes were probably the only unpleasant aspect of the trip. I can’t gather my thoughts, and my body seems heavy and lethargic. The lethargy reminded me of being extremely stoned. I just lean my head up against a wall, close my eyes, and contemplate my state a little before returning back to make subs.

I get off work 4 hours later, and get driven home. My pupils are normal now, but my thoughts are far from it. It wasn’t until about 10:00 that the high completely subsided.

All in all, I’d say this was much less visual than I expected. I’m really eager to try this again, because I did have fun. I figure that my chewing technique didn’t get enough of the seeds open, and next time I plan to try a higher dose (maybe 400 seeds) with a cold-water extraction to prevent that sickening feeling. Hurray for morning glory!

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 69095
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 18, 2018Views: 777
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Morning Glory (38) : General (1), First Times (2), Various (28)

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