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Ecstatic Overheating
MDMA (Ecstasy)
Citation:   Jotams1234567890. "Ecstatic Overheating: An Experience with MDMA (Ecstasy) (exp69127)". Jul 29, 2011.

T+ 0:00
1 tablet oral MDMA (pill / tablet)
  T+ 1:00 1 tablet oral MDMA (pill / tablet)
  T+ 3:00 1 tablet insufflated MDMA (pill / tablet)
  T+ 3:00 1 tablet oral MDMA (pill / tablet)
I'm 17 and in grade 12 at my local highschool. I started smoking pot a little over a year ago and used to smoke at least 4 times a day for around 7 months, I've recently cut back to once a day. 3 months ago after developing a large tolerance. In the span of the last 7 month I’ve done E, mushrooms, DXM, hash, salvia, cocaine, and LSD. Once I OD'ed on coke but survived that and after that I had promised myself that I would be much more careful when using chemicals from then on. Here's how I broke the promise to myself. I tried MDMA for the first time in 2007 during the summer and loved it. It was the first 'harder' drug then pot that I had ever done. So when my friends offered to sell me 4 pills for 20 bucks I was really happy to buy them. I had planned on taking one at work that night, saving 2 for my PD day the next week, and one for some other time.

When I finally got the pills at school that day I then set off for the mall during lunch. I was too anxious to wait for work that evening so I decided to take one during lunch at the mall. I took the first pill at 11:40, when I got back to school I found out that my regular group of friends I hangout with at lunch had gotten busted for possesion of weed and one for ecstasy that day during lunch. I couldn’t believe how lucky I was for not being there, or else I would have forsurely been caught with 4 pills of E and 7 grams of weed. I then went to class and after about 40 minutes I was feeling a nice buzz, but it wasn't as intense as I had expected so I decided to take one more. I took it during class at 1:20 and within 15 minutes my whole body felt like it was tingling pleasantly all over. I was talking to people around me that I usually don't talk to and making lots of jokes (I am usually a pretty quiet person).

When that class ended I headed off to my next period class with a huge grin on my face. But during that class at around 2:40 I had started to lose some of the feelings from the 2 pills so I decided to take the other two, my rationale for this was that I had to be at work in a little over an hour and I wanted to feel great when I started my shift. One of my good friends who despises drugs was sitting besides me during that class and I didn't want to risk him noticing what I was doing so I asked to go to the washroom. When I got to the washroom I headed for a stall and decided to try snorting the pill. My one friend said snorting it was really good, but stung your nose alot. I decided to do it anyways, so I crushed up the pill on my credit card, I was surprised at how much powder came from that one little pill when it got crushed up. After snorting it I headed back to class and when I got back to class (I didn't realize that I had already been from the class for over 20 minutes) I felt like I was floating across the floor, my nose stung and the drips in the back of my throat tasted awful, but I didn't care. Nothing bothered me and I couldn't stop talking to my one friend.

I had one pill left at this point and my friend had left the class to go to a doctor’s appointment. Since when I had taken only one pill earlier it hadn't done as much as I would have liked it too I decided to swallow this fourth and last pill. By the time school ended at 3:20 my whole body felt great and I couldn't help but smile at everybody. I had half and hour to get to work and it usually takes me 40 minutes to walk to work, but today it only took me 30 minutes and in this time I smoked 3 cigarettes on the way, had a coffee, and stopped to buy food. I was amazed at how little time it had taken me to get there.

As soon as I got to work I headed to the washroom to see how my eyes were, my pupils were massive and I could barely see any of the brown color in my eyes. Now I'm a dishwasher at work and the dish area is usually pretty hot, but this didn’t bother me. I kept talking to the cooks and waitresses (usually I don’t say anything more then hello) and was getting my work done very fast. I couldn't stop whistling to myself and I had never been so happy to be working before. At around 4:30 I started to notice that I was sweating alot and feeling very hot, but didn't think anything of it, then 10 minutes later I became extremely light headed and nauseous but no matter how much water I drank my mouth would go back to feeling dry in a few seconds. Then my stomach started to feel like it was in a massive knot and I burped to try and get some gas out of it. As soon as I burped, a huge spewing of vomit followed and landed all over the dishes, I quickly washed these so nobody noticed.. My shirt was pretty much soaked from sweat at this point and I was extremely dizzy. 15 minutes after puking I just kept feeling hotter and hotter so I went and stood in the large vegetable fridge for about 10 minutes. This helped a little but as soon as I got back to the dishes area I would start to to feel overheated and sweat profusely again. My lips were extremely dry and hurt a lot because I had been chewing on the for the past 2 hours. I was getting kind of worried at this point but I couldn't tell my boss that I had taken 4 pills of E or else I would definitely get fired, so I just kept working.

Within an hour after that I suddenly felt like I was going to faint, I quickly told my boss I was taking my break and went outside in my t-shirt for a cigarette (it was -8 degrees and there was a foot of snow on the ground) but I felt so hot that I didn’t even notice the cold. After 3 more hours of this I couldn't take it any longer so I told my boss I felt sick and was going home. By this time I had puked well over 7 times but was only feeling a little better, I had told the other dishwasher that I had a really bad cold. The kitchen was ridiculously hot and the dishwasher was giving off a lot of heat which felt intensified to me. I was still extremely talkative, but I could barely walk straight because my stomach hurt so much and I felt so dizzy. When I got home I felt exhausted, but couldn't sleep so I decided to come and write this report. I am not angry with myself for letting this happen, instead I have let it be a lesson to myself for when I take MDMA again. From now on I am going to be much more careful when taking these powerful tiny pills.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 69127
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 17
Published: Jul 29, 2011Views: 6,687
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MDMA (3) : School (35), Overdose (29), Difficult Experiences (5), General (1)

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