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I Had a Hill, Once
2C-P & Amphetamines
Citation:   Manjushri. "I Had a Hill, Once: An Experience with 2C-P & Amphetamines (exp69226)". Sep 30, 2008.

3.0 mg insufflated 2C-P (powder / crystals)
  1 line insufflated Amphetamines (powder / crystals)
A friend, his girlfriend and I decided to try the 2C-P my friend been holding, he had one cap of the stuff (6-10 mg) that we split and snorted. The burn from this stuff was BAD to begin with but faded with each passing minute and was quickly replaced with euphoria and uncontrollable laughter similar to that of a small dose of magic mushrooms. For the first hour or so everything I looked at was a little unusual, although I couldn’t explain why, and my peripherals were filled with morphing doors, chairs and trees. It was at this point that I decided to have some speed, and what I good idea that was!

I came up from railing my line and looked around at a world that had become more real. Everything was clean and crisp, every colour stood out much brighter than usual and, best of all, the speed had completely woken me up. We decided to go out to the service station to pick up a pack of smokes, we took the scenic route and watched our destination move further and further away as we walked towards it. Eventually we made it to the service station and my mate went in to get the smokes while I waited outside with his girlfriend to view the brilliant array of coloured lights that are associated with a main street.

We wandered back home, stopping every now and then for a cigarette and a look at the small amounts of morphing associated with every object around us. When we got back home my friend and his girl decided to have their lines, I sat at the table and basked in the swaying motions of everything around me. I was watching a few things at this point: A glass whose top and bottom were sliding in different directions, a fence that was moving from side to side and a pole that seemed to want to melt. After this we decided to go out again and walked to the local talking absolute shit along the way. At the oval we were stopped by the sight of, in the distance, what could have either been a man or a pole (I’m still not sure which and I shall have to go back to check sometime soon), we stood around and argued as to the identity of this foreign and unwelcome object. As I looked at this curious man/pole it began to change: first it would go flicker as a pole then it would shimmer into a man walking towards me but not moving then, all of a sudden, the silhouette of a rifle would appear in the ‘man’s’ hands.

I knew that there was no gun, that it was the drugs playing tricks on me, but we decided to split and go somewhere else anyway as none of us wanted to run the risk of it actually being a person. We walked the deserted streets, still talking shit (“I really need a lesbian” was one thing that came from the mouth of my friend’s girlfriend) and started up a road that ran up a hill. As we walked I saw a building that I had a serious urge to climb but was told not to by my two compatriots, I thought that the view would be wonderful from its massive height of two metres above ground. We kept walking up the hill until we came to a crossroads that we decided to stop and have a smoke at. This halfway point was brilliant: there was a weird tree, a brick wall and a road leading back down the hill all inviting me to look at them and explore them with the new clarity I had unlocked when I had taken the speed.

Eventually we kept walking, up and up, talking shit all the way (“I really do need a lesbian”) and I was climbing the rock wall that ran alongside the road. We walked and found a tiny chair in a hard rubbish collection outside a house, my friend decided that he needed the chair and carried it a few metres until his girlfriend told him to put it down (at which point I snatched and carried it with me). At the top of the hill was a view of the town below and the hills in the distance, the lights of the town blinked at me in all different colours as I sat in my chair and pondered this new, exciting drug.

That was when I spied my hill. This hill was a small dirt mound about a metre high that I claimed and picked up a stick to defend from “the ones who were trying to take my hill from me”. At this point I got tired of my hill and rolled down the side of it, I took a moment to enjoy the warm feeling of the dirt underneath me before I got up to discuss plans for the very near future. I was handed a cigarette which I gratefully lit (the fire sparking in the darkness looked amazing) as I rubbed my arm to try to get whatever had just bitten me away. My friend and his girlfriend maintain that there was no bug on my but I knew better, I had, after all, just been rolling on a dirt patch that was probably infested with every sort of little bastard insect that lives in the area.

We started to walk back home, smoking and enjoying what we knew were the fading visuals when I decided to tell my friends that “I had a hill once”, they told me they knew but I wasn’t satisfied: I wanted my friends to understand the majesty involved with owning a hill. When we were about halfway home my friends had a discussion that I had thought about having a few minutes earlier, they mentioned all of the key points that I had thought of earlier. I was impressed by their mind reading powers, but was content to let them talk while I stared at the glowing lights around me. When we got home we watched a few episodes of ‘The Simpsons’ (which was hilarious) while I glanced at the moving curtains and a pulsating thermos.

This was the final death throe of the 2C-P as the hallucinations sank into oblivion. A damn shame, but I enjoyed them while they lasted.

A few final points:
- Next time, I would take more 2C-P as the experience was not intense enough for me (and I am not a veteran tripper, far from it.)
- Next time, I would get better speed (the stuff we had was 50% cutter)
- The entire experience lasted about 7 hours before the last visuals died, but I am still seeing a much better array of colours than I would with my sober eyes.
- I never found out why my friend’s girlfriend needed a lesbian
- I had a hill, once.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 69226
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 30, 2008Views: 12,401
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2C-P (305), Amphetamines (6) : Combinations (3), Glowing Experiences (4), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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