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The Feeling When Going Into Lucid Dreaming
Citation:   addled. "The Feeling When Going Into Lucid Dreaming: An Experience with Dreaming (exp69372)". Apr 12, 2016.

Yesterday, I fell into an intense wild-lucid dream state twice while attempting to go to actual sleep. For me lucid dreaming is so intense that I know I have no sleep during the process because I am completely worn out when I wake up from them.

The psychical/psychological feeling my body and mind get when I am entering a lucid dream is the same feeling of becoming high/ the dopamine in my system gets highly stirred up. It feels amazing. This time, it felt particularly good. So good that, like sleep-paralysis, it was very hard to move out of this complete euphoria. I right arm attempted to raise but felt to my left side. I had been clutching the sheets during my slumber and when I raised my hand, I brought the sheets over, virtually choking myself. Still in my state of complete ecstasy, my mind recognized that I was harming myself but still in paralysis, I decided it felt too good to move.

Shortly later I woke up. The end.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 69372
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 12, 2016Views: 1,355
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