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Forever Strung
Citation:   MastersBlaster. "Forever Strung: An Experience with Crack (exp69399)". Nov 25, 2017.

  repeated   Crack (daily)
.....the forever

......the always




20 year crack addict - dozens of rehab attempts.

Money wasn't a problem, God's joke on the intelligent, the crafty, the proud.

No possibility of permanent romance, so you get 'instant' (usually terrible) and/or 'toxic' (wonderfully terrible)

Stole the money from the gift box at Mom's funeral

Stole my ex-wife's engagement ring when she took it off prior to divorce

Stole for a living

Well educated, great health, oppositional effects (sleep well and always gain weight, great sex)

But it is a lonely high.

Don't start, but if one is on the train, jump into the observation car and enjoy. Waiting for the final station isn't productive.

Maybe someday I'll quit, but not today.


Exp Year: 1989ExpID: 69399
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 25, 2017Views: 1,807
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