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Works Well as a Sleep-Aid
Citation:   Gigaza. "Works Well as a Sleep-Aid: An Experience with Quetiapine (exp69636)". Oct 7, 2020.

50-100 mg oral Pharms - Quetiapine (pill / tablet)
I've had some problems with insomnia for a long period of my life. Starting the year of 2006 to present, I've had trouble falling to sleep, and wake up constantly. There were times I would not sleep for 48 hours at a time, and randomly crash and sleep for 16 hours at a time. Sleep-pattern became completely random. This led me to some severe depression and I managed to land myself in an inpatient-behavorial health center.

In this place, I met with a doctor who tried me on several medications. Ambien was erratic, Rozerem did nothing, Trazodone worked, but had some adverse effects. Finally, the psychiatrist decided to try a low dose of Seroquel.

She initially started me on 50mg at night, and I remember the first time I had it I felt 'zombified'. I became very quiet and dulled, very sedated. Things got brighter in my vision, yet I felt like I was about to black out. My head felt disconnected and heavy. I felt extremely tired. I fell asleep quickly.

I continued on 50mg for several weeks, effectively treating my insomnia. But soon, tolerance would set in. I had to have my dose upped to 75mg. At this point, I would simply feel tired, like I normally felt prior to developing sleep issues.

At one point, I wondered if I even needed a medication, so I stopped taking the Seroquel. I could not sleep for 48 hours. It showed me I was either addicted to the medication, or I still had the same problems prior to being prescribed Seroquel.

Then I had to have my dose upped again to 100mg. Things are now going fine at the current dose. I take it just the same, every night around the same time before going to bed. I don't get the 'F***'d up' feeling I did the first couple times, I just simply feel tired. This solves my insomnia problems, yet I know if I didn't take the med I would be right back where I was. It's possible I am now dependent on the substance. Hopefully I don't have to keep upping the dose, but for the last eight months, things have been much better.

Exp Year: 2006-2008ExpID: 69636
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 7, 2020Views: 1,146
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Pharms - Quetiapine (273) : Not Applicable (38), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Depression (15), Medical Use (47), Addiction & Habituation (10), Retrospective / Summary (11)

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