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My Gateway Drug...
Citation:   xsaqzw. "My Gateway Drug...: An Experience with Hydrocodone (exp69670)". Jan 7, 2021.

10 mg oral Hydrocodone (pill / tablet)
As long as I remember I had been the geeky kid who always made the good grades, had very few friends, and never got into any trouble. This quickly changed however my 8th grade year...

I've always loved science, and with science came drugs. I started researching drugs my 7th grade year. I spent hours reading all of the facts, the experiences, and just gaining the knowledge instead of being fed the bullshit that parents and schools throw at you. I became a druggie, and had never done any drugs. I moved my 8th grade year and began to change my social scene. I started hanging out with some of the 'bad' kids. Eventually someone offered my a 'Loratab' as they called them. It was a 10mg Hydrocodone pill, and it was the start of my drug use. I decided to document what happened. Now here I am, two years later, posting it up.

*Please keep in mind when I took this I was about 5' 2' 110lbs, and had no tolerance what-so-ever.

10:22pm - I'm alone in my room with some soft music going on in the background (Chiodos), and my parents are [supposedly] asleep.

10:25pm - Broke the Watson 540 into two pieces and downed it with a small glass of water. I heard this helps absorption rate. I ate dinner about four hours ago so I have an empty stomach.

10:35pm - Just passing time by researching random pharmaceuticals online.

10:47pm - I am starting to feel the first effects of the drug in the form of a slight itching and a small warmth growing inside me.

10:50pm - I guess this is what euphoria feels like...

10:55pm - Entire body is feeling heavy and warm. Extremely pleasurable.

11:10pm - Just enjoying the feeling and listening to music.

11:23pm - Ok, this is weird. My entire body is extremely hot. Unbearably hot, and I feel sick to my stomach. Regretting this.

11:30pm - I go to lie down on my bed.

12:37am - I just woke up, and I don't remember going to sleep. I had this strange dreams, but it was like I was awake. Interesting.

12:40am - I can feel myself sobering up and I need something to drink.

12:53am - I decided to go to bed after I got a drink.

6:36am - I wake up to find myself unusually tired. Other than that I am completely sober.

That was my first time ever experiencing a recreational drug of any sort. After two years of developing, changing, and maturing as a person I completely different. Not in a bad way though. These days the only drug I do is smoke weed, although I have experiences with various benzodiazepine, various amphetmines, various other prescription opiates, MDMA, LSA, and DXM.

Thanks for reading :)

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 69670
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 7, 2021Views: 482
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Hydrocodone (111), Dreams (85) : First Times (2), Music Discussion (22), Alone (16)

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