My Whole Perception of Everything Was Entirely Changed
Citation:   InFlamesWeTrust. "My Whole Perception of Everything Was Entirely Changed: An Experience with Ketamine (exp69787)". Mar 30, 2018.

T+ 0:00
1 line insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
  T+ 9:00 2 lines insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
Venture Into the K-Hole X2

Alright well yesterday was easily the craziest experience I have ever had with drugs.

It started when I came across a 100 dollar bill lying on the ground (I'm not kidding) and I decided what better way to spend this then on drugs. My dealer had just gotten around 30 vials of ketamine and I had got a sample of it and it was easily the best k I've ever tried before. I figured I would buy a vial for $60. It was already in powder form so me and 2 friends went down to this park-type area where nobody ever goes save about 10 of our friends (theres crushed beer bottles and shit EVERYWHERE).

I decided that this time I would do a full line instead of a few bumps due to the large amount I had available to me. Since I paid for the whole things, I split some k into 3 lines, giving myself the fattest. I did my line and felt the painful burn that comes along with special k. I started feeling some minor effects immediately and let D and W take their lines.

After a couple minutes of talking I started to feel the full effects along with my friends. We all went 'wooaahh' pretty much at the same time which was pretty funny and decided we would try to walk over to the tennis courts. Barely being able to walk, we stumbled over to the courts falling a couple times on the way there. We then just gave up and decided to lay down on the grass. I was having some pretty crazy visuals the whole time and my whole perception of everything was entirely changed. I couldn't talk without sounding like a complete idiot and it was just very very intense. I started getting worried because my mom called and I knew that she didn't know where I was at, but I was in no shape to answer the phone right now.

We eventually got back to D's house after hopping a few fences where I got some nice cuts that I couldn't even feel. I showed D and we proceeded to punch each other in the chest and arms a couple times and it was quite entertaining to not feel any pain whatsoever. I finally started coming down and still had a good amount of k left over.

About 8 hours later at my dads house, my dad went to sleep and I was ready to finish off the k and watch the new episode of South Park. At about 9:45 I emptied the rest of the bag into 2 good sized lines and quickly snorted them both. I knew from the previous experience earlier that day that doing a line of k gives you horrible runs in your nose and it gets so bad that you cant even sniffle it back up. So I decided to get a paper towel and just keep it there during the trip.

I laid down on the couch and was very quickly beginning to lose all my motor skills and it took me a couple minutes to get to the channel I was looking for. It felt like a thousand things were happening to me at once but all I was doing was laying down on my couch watching tv sitting completely still. I had a far more intense body high and my hearing and vision was completely fucked up. I continued in this state for about 10 more minutes until South Park came on when I then realized I was in absolutely no state to focus on a TV show. I got up to take a piss stumbling along the way and I realized I was being pretty loud and I definately did not want my dad to see me in this state, especially after what happened a couple weeks ago (bad acid trip which led to the ER). After taking a piss which seemed to last for hours I decided to go to bed since I couldn't even comprehend what was happening anyway.

When I got into bed I had some pretty intense visuals because of the lighting of my room and just sat there for a couple minutes before finally laying down. My nose was completely numb and filled with mucus and I didn't stand a chance of sniffling and of it back up. I woke up in the morning with a good amount of dried snot all down my chin.

Overall it was probably the most intense experience I have ever had with drugs and although ketamine is expensive it was worth the money.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 69787
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 30, 2018Views: 843
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Ketamine (31) : General (1), Various (28)

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