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My Acid Life
LSD & Cannabis
Citation:   Pyrodelic Aidelon. "My Acid Life: An Experience with LSD & Cannabis (exp69805)". Sep 28, 2022.

T+ 0:00
6 hits oral LSD (blotter / tab)
  T+ 1:00 Repeated hits smoked Cannabis (flowers)
I first tried acid after I broke up with my girlfriend on the summer of 2007, I had been a pretty hard Smoker (Weed) since years before, but I had always been curious about other drugs, so I went with a friend I knew was selling some tabs, bought one from him and ate half that weekend.

First “Acid” trip (Half of a “Hofmann 5 bikes” acid): Nothing happened!!!! I only ate half, but didn’t feel a thing…

Then, one day, playing dice poker with my friend, lets call him “Seńor Loco” we made a bet for a tab of acid, and I won, so I got one, which I ate the next weekend, with him to take care of me, but 3 minutes after I ate it, he got a call from some chick looking to have sex, and he dropped me off with some other friends.

First LSD Trip (One “Hofmann 5 bikes”): We arrived at a little private rave and started to smoke some weed, after which a girl came by and started to ask me something, but I couldn’t understand a word she was saying until I understood by her mimicking that she wanted to smoke some of the weed I had, and when I gave it to her, I began to understand when she talked, I talked with her some 10 or 15 minutes, and then, I felt the need to lie down, and so I did.

I started looking at the plants that were on the wall next to where I was lying down, on the grass, but they began to give me a Bad Trip because they looked like chains in my trip, so I looked to the sky. And I saw: The Stars, doing the most amazing fireworks I’ve ever seen, then after a while they started to create forms, and the first one I saw was a sphere, green, very small, but when I focused my attention on it, it began to grow, and I realized I was flying in space, looking at out planet, “Gaia” and I began to fly towards it and as I got closer I began to see details like forests, deserts, cities even, and all I saw was the destruction we humans have caused to out great mother, the planet.

After that, I saw that all stars had faded and only one remained (there was not one cloud on that sky) and, that star became a gigantic fire and then the star again, and from that star, infinite paths began to form, and each path, led to another star, which in turn did the same, to the infinite, each star, creating infinite stars, and each of those infinities, creating a infinity more, and I understood that each star, was every instant, and that’s the way I imagine God is able to know everything that has happened, is happening, and is going to happen, but we still have Free will.

From that day onward, I loved acid with all my heart and soul, and began doing it every weekend, and soon after I escalated to two tabs and some more time passed, and then, after reading the “Handbook for the Therapeutic Use of LSD-25” decided I should drop 6 tabs, and I did (6 “Hofmann 5 bikes”). I dropped the tabs and after one hour of dancing went to smoke some weed in my car, I sat there, looking at a wall, and a hole in the wall became a group of humans, they were primitives, hunting, surviving, but I saw the scene in fast forward, it changed, evolved, and after that I saw Egypt, Greece, Rome, and many others cultures and times
a hole in the wall became a group of humans, they were primitives, hunting, surviving, but I saw the scene in fast forward, it changed, evolved, and after that I saw Egypt, Greece, Rome, and many others cultures and times
, I was frozen in time, in a time and space trip that lasted 1000 years, I had a lot of time to think, to evaluate, the life of every person I could see, and myself, It was a hard trip, but It gave me insight.

After that I quit drugs, all drugs, tobacco, caffeine, everything, and spent one month and a half clean.

A month and a half passed, and then one day, a friend I’ll call “El Pacheco” and he offered some peyote to me, which I had never tried and always wanted to, and that day I smoked some “Peyote Brujo” ate a quarter of a tab and then went walking with a girl I was dating, without she knowing I was high.

Some time after that, maybe a month later, my birthday was approaching and a “El Pacheco” took me to see a friend that had some “Orange Sunshine” Acid, and I bought one, and he gave me one half as a birthday present, it was still one month or more for my birthday and I couldn’t wait till it was day to eat some, so I ate one tab one day and had a incredible introspective trip that showed me a lot about my personality.

Then, my birthday came, and I still had half a tab with me, so I took some close friends to the beach and ate my half (Half “Orange Sunshine”). When I began to have strong visuals, a wind storm broke, and suddenly, I saw, far away on the horizon, a little red speck in the beach, and started running like a madman without explanation, my friends behind me yelling questions to me, but I couldn’t hear them, all that existed to me in that moment, was the red dot, and it was getting closer. Soon after I got to it, it was a burning palm tree, on the sand, but since the air was getting so strong, there was no fire, just something that looked like a burning crystal, and then I noticed we had all 4 elements at their mightiest around us. The wind blowing like it wanted to blow us away, the sea, raging and foaming, dancing with the wind, the sand (earth) flying with the aid of the wind and finally, our fire.

I think it was one week later when I ate half of a “Hofmann 100 anniversary” with a guy that used to be my friend and had a blast, excellent visuals, nice thought pattern, and feelings of connecting with God.

Then new year came, and I decided I wanted to see the first sunrise of 2008 really acid, so I acquired one “Hofmann 100 anniversary” for me and one for the guy who used to be my friend, I picked him up, and we went to a beach rave (One and a half “Hofmann 100 Anniversary”). We ate our acids as soon as I got him in the car and we were on our way to the beach, when we arrived there, there were few people and the acid wasn’t quite doing its job, but I blamed it mainly on the fact that we had eaten some acid like 4 days before and I thought the resistance wasn’t yet fully gone, so we bought another one and as soon as the acid touched my hand when the guy gave it to me, it started raining, hard. So I put my other hand over the other one to protect the acid from the rain and ran to my car with the other guy, we got into my car, cut the acid in half, each ate his half, felt the true strength of the acid that had been hiding, and the noticed, that my key was bent, curved. No idea how that happened, it took us 20 minutes to straighten it. It was really hard, and by then, the acid was rampaging thru our brains. I drove us back to the city, to the guy’s apartment, amidst a crazy storm of air and water, totally blitzed, but I have acid driving experience, so I didn’t mind as much.

When we got to the guy’s apartment, we took two chairs out to the balcony, put on some music, and then watched the amazing sunrise, after which I decided to sleep, and went to bed.

I stopped tripping then, because I moved to another city and wanted to get the hang of my new routine sober, and I did, and one day I was driving around with a really close friend “El Vikingo” we were talking about drugs, since he was curious about acid, we talked about acid, he’d done weed some times before, and now he told me, he wanted to try some acid, so I got us two “White Lotus” tabs and when my dad left town for the weekend, we ate them in my house (One “White Lotus”).

He got to my house around 11 and we ate our tabs, and then watched the Alex Grey “Chapel Of Sacred Mirrors” movie, but when it ended, I just felt a little high, but I had the distinct feeling that something was definitely “Wrong”. I began pacing around my house while “El Vikingo” was watching “Monty Python And The Holy Grail” and then I had the slightest visuals, and when I saw them and thought “We are high”. They grew in strength tenfold, I realized that as soon as I embraced my highness I was allowed to get high. So I ran to “El Vikingo” and yelled “Estas hasta el culo!!!” (You are blitzed!!!”) And he responded “No, I’m not” But I could see he was, and I knew I was. After a horrible half hour trying to get him to understand, I sat him down on a chair and made him look straight into anything. He chose a door, and suddenly began to holler “Oh shit oh shit oh shit ohshitofshiiiit!!"” And I knew he was high as a kite, and I was free to trip a while on my own, which I did, but I began getting that “Something is Wrong” feeling once again, and as I thought over and over looking for the answer. I found it, and yelled it to my cousin “We are higher!!!!” The more I knew I was high, the higher I could get, and my brain began to work in a different way to adapt to this new development. To believe something, I had to justify it to myself, I couldn’t just say, “I’m cold.” I was cold because the air was chilly and I had light clothes on, and so on, and that I keep still.

That was 3 weeks ago, yet, two days ago, I was smoking some weed, and suddenly I opened my eyes and find myself surrounded by fractals that didn’t let me see reality, I was acid!! I don’t yet quite understand how that happened, I’m quite used to seeing tracers as part of my normal life, but I had never quite thought that I was permanently infused with a low dose of acid. It was as if I had a quarter of a tab and as usual, by smoking, I potentiated the acid to become fully aware of it, I had visuals, thoughts, I had the whole nine yards, and as I began to think about it, I remembered something I told “Seńor Loco”: “I wish I could be acid forever but functionally so, not too much, but enough to notice once in a while”.

Well, now I’ve had my wish fulfilled, and I couldn’t be happier.

[Erowid Note: Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. Don't do it!]

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 69805
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 28, 2022Views: 754
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