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Bitter Disappointment
Cacti - T. pachanoi
Citation:   DayTripping. "Bitter Disappointment: An Experience with Cacti - T. pachanoi (exp70059)". Jun 12, 2018.

12 in oral Cacti - T. pachanoi (liquid)
Introduction: I have been well experienced with several types of hallucinogens. However, cacti is not native anywhere near where I live so this is my first experience with the plant. My results were sadly disappointing, but I certainly was not sober. I beleive there could be several reasons for the weakness of effect ranging from poor extraction technique to just getting an impotent cactus.

Preparation: The package arived. A 34 inch, 7 pound San Pedro cutting. I immediately went to work chopping, blending, and boiling the cactus. After a four hour boil I Strained the remaining slimey solution through a cheese cloth in to a large pitcher. Realizing this was much more liquid than myself or my partners wanted to consume I boiled the remaining liquid for another hour and a half which significantly reduced its volume.

Consumption: Sitting around the table with my roommates Mindy and Steph we began to take shots of the God Awful liquid. BITTERNESS, BITTERNESS, BITTERNESS. This is bad. The most foul thing I've ever ingested. Steph and I were holding up pretty well, but Mindy was having a very difficult time managing this disgusting taste that was in her mouth. After drinking half the pitcher mindy needed a break. We went to the store for some much needed cigarettes and returned to drink several more shots of 'Magical Juice'. We consumed most of the liquid, but we stopped because Mindy could handle no more and her stomach was quite upset. At the point we quit it had been about an hour before the first shot. We were drinking slow to let Mindy catch up. We later discovered the juice was much more bearable if drank through a straw that is placed close to the back of your mouth to avoid juice contacting taste buds. I could drink much larger quantities this way.

Onset: Two and a half hours after the first shot nothing was felt yet. We decided a drive in the woods was in order. We packed ourselves in to my car and took a drive up a mountain road I know. Suddenly steph shouts 'Deer!'. Thinking she saw one in front of me I slam the brakes on this steep narrow forested road. The deer was behind us, but as we all laughed at the reaction was the first feelings of altered conciusness. Later in the drive we saw a meadow with at least a dozen deer and got out to watch them. Getting out of the car I felt slightly like I was mushroom tripping, but nothing too special. Eventually the road I chose intersected with the interstate and I took the interstate back in to town. Another hour had gone by and we still had not felt much.

Mid-Experience: We realized not much was going to happen so we went to the local video store and took a walk around. We certainly weren't feeling totally normal at this point. Lights were brighter. I felt taller walking through the video store, and conversation was more funny. A couple of backwoods looking guys got out of a beat up pick-up truck behind us as we walked in to the store. Seeing my company they acted as if talking to eachother and said 'Bueno' out loud. They continued to make comments to eachother about the girls in the store, but we just laughed it off. In my mind I found it hilarious that the two sheltered Northern Idaho guys couldn't comprehend that two good looking females walking hand in hand might not be swinging for they're team, and that hitting on them was a pretty good waste of time.

No movies in the store attracted us so we determined that we would try the new Thai restaraunt in town. We walked in the door and we were in for a surprise. A bright blue dome ceiling with fiberoptic twinkling stars, laser projected shooting stars, and the whole dining area also had color changing/fading backlighting. After we sat down the decor of the restaraunt had us feel like we might really start tripping, and we contemplated leaving. We settled down soon enough, ordered, ate, and left. The food was wonderful.

Closing: Slowly everything returned to normal. Not the intense psychadelic trip I had looked for. I may or may not try this cactus again another time. I'm sure if I was more cautious in extraction I may have better results. Or if I drink the juice in a more timely manor. We shall see what time brings. For the time being the results of my San Pedro experience has left a perverbial bitter taste in my mouth. Pun intended.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 70059
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 12, 2018Views: 1,154
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Cacti - T. pachanoi (64) : General (1), First Times (2), Various (28)

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