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When You're Detoxing, The Dose Doesn't Matter
Citation:   Phalaeo. "When You're Detoxing, The Dose Doesn't Matter: An Experience with Methadone (exp70352)". Apr 7, 2008.

5.0 mg oral Methadone (daily)
I took 5 mg. methadone daily for pain management. It worked beautifully, but then I had to get off of it, which was sheer hell.

I know it looks like a low dose, but when you're detoxing, it doesn't really matter. I had massive leg spasms that kept me from sleeping, my whole body was wracked with flu-like pain, I was mentally foggy, and I had really worrisome diarrhea. Most of the symptoms started subsiding at around 3 weeks after the last dose, although I am still experiencing difficulties with diarrhea close to three months after the last dose.

I've taken myself off of many drugs that I was either addicted to or dependent upon, and I will say that methodone was a beast to conquer.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 70352
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 7, 2008Views: 21,021
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