Technicolor Plaid
LSD , Cannabis & Alcohol
Citation:   Napalm. "Technicolor Plaid: An Experience with LSD , Cannabis & Alcohol (exp7036)". Oct 26, 2002.

3 hits oral LSD (gel tab)
  1 cig. smoked Cannabis  

A few weeks before this experience we had procured some LSD from the same source and I had an incredibly visual experience on 1.5 geltabs. Thus convinced, we pooled some money and bought a sheet. The weekend before this experience I ate 2 tabs, spaced apart during an afternoon of relaxing and drinking beer, and while this made for an enjoyable experience it was hard to compare the effects to the previous weekend due to my alcohol intoxication. Assumedly the sheet we bought was the same quality as the original few hits.


Tuesday afternoon at a friend's house. Three of us were present we'll go by X, Y and Z. Myself, X, have experimented with a variety of psychedelics over the last few years. Y just recently tried acid for the first time and has not really experimented beyond it, he was providing the house to trip at. Z has used DXM on one occasion but is a virgin to acid. X and Y got off work early (4 PM) and Z had the day off already. The location is comfortable for us all as we've partied and crashed there many times before.

The experience:

We all eat at around 4:30 PM. I eat 3 tabs since I'm worried about possible tolerance from 3 days before, Y and Z both eat 1 and a half. We all drank a few beers during the course of the evening. Note that I did include Alcohol as a substance, but based on the quantity versus time ratio of consumption I don't believe it played a significant role in the experience.

[T + 1:00] - It took us all about an hour to come up. Z reports that he's feeling very tense, not really enjoying it.

[T + 1:30] - It takes him about 30 more minutes for the visuals to come on full force at which point Z states that the tension is still there, but he no longer cares, he's having a good time. Y states that this is better acid than he'd had previously and he's getting good visuals. I on the other hand am slightly disappointed; upon relaxing I get a lot of movement from my periphery, but it never really invades the center of my vision like I was expecting.

The trip progresses as they should, peaking for a while and slowly coming down. Since my personal experience on this occasion was rather dull, I'll direct the reader to find another trip report if they're interested in the basics of an acid trip. There was however one interesting occurrence; a young girl came door to door selling candies as a fundraising effort to combat gangs and drugs! Of course we bought some.

[T + 7:00] - This is where my night got interesting. Y and Z had both come down quite a bit, we were sitting outside drinking beer and enjoying the residuals. I suddenly decided that a joint would be nice, I'd heard that pot and acid is a fun combination and thought I may as well try it since the night had been otherwise uneventful.

As background, I am not much of a marijuana smoker. I do very rarely and don't consider it much fun as a recreational drug. In fact, I truly hate being stoned around people and generally only smoke when I can throw on some headphones and descend into my own little world of music. Back to the story.

Y had some weed on hand, so I rolled us a joint. Myself and Y both smoked, Z abstained. I smoked most of the joint and was quite high, I think Y only smoked enough to relax a bit. Back outside we sat down and I was trying very hard to converse coherently (the reason I don't like being stoned around people) when I suddenly realized that there were rather intense lines crisscrossing my field of vision. Upon closing my eyes I was blasted into a world of awesome CEVs. Fractal patterns in hues of red, blue, green and yellow filled my mind and melted and morphed into bubbles, honeycombs, grids, wavy lines, on and on. At some points the figures themselves were multicolor and repeated infinitely, other times a repetitive image overlaid a rainbow like background that slowly waved and twisted. All in all this must be the most incredible CEV experience I've had, and I would recommend it to anyone.

I tried to share what I was seeing with my friends, but (as it is now) describing it in words came nowhere near the intensity of experiencing it. I used a few phrases such as 'rainbow Easter eggs', 'multicolored checkerboard', 'transparent fractal lava' and 'technicolor plaid' but none did it justice.

Eventually Z decided he wanted to see what I was seeing, so we rolled a joint, both he and I smoked it, but he never saw anything like I did (also he didn't seem to have any trouble communicating his disappointment, making me believe that he had smoked much less than I)

[T + 8:30] - Still intense, the conversation was boring compared to closing my eyes and watching the light show, so I went inside and lay down on the couch to listen to the music and quietly hallucinate on my own.

[T + 9:30] - At some point I had fallen asleep and awoke as Z prodded me, the visuals were quite decreased and I rode home feeling slightly stoned and very tired.


I highly recommend this and will always keep a stash of pot around for future acid tripping. It would have been an altogether wonderful experience if I'd been able to enjoy several hours of exciting OEVs and after the peak, smoked a joint and enjoyed a few more hours and intense CEVs. I imagine it's also quite enjoyable to smoke while peaking and watch the CEVs overlay the OEVs, and I intend to try this approach soon as well.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 7036
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 26, 2002Views: 12,917
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