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Seriously Pissed Off
Citation:   HollyRotten. "Seriously Pissed Off: An Experience with Venlafaxine (exp70458)". Jul 18, 2016.

450 mg oral Pharms - Venlafaxine (powder / crystals)
This happened shortly after Effexor was released on the market, and at that time I was fairly reckless and was into a lot of prescription pills for recreational use (though I wasn't on any on the night I decided to try effexor) and my motto, as dumb as it was, was 'if it doesn't get me high, then it won't do anything' but effexor shot the motto down right quick.

I wasn't sure really what effexor was, but a friend of mine had been prescribed them and this friend and I are pretty close, and I knew he has anxiety problems so I just assumed that effexor would be something similar to xanax (which is my all-time favorite pill). My friend didn't really know much about the effexor either, because he refuses to do any drugs other than smoke cigarettes, drink alcohol, and on occasion smokes weed. The doctor had given him the effexor in the sampler packets and he had a few of them and he didn't want them so he just gave them to me.

I decided to try them out that night since I had no money to buy other drugs, and I was going to a halloween rave and, personally, I think raves are boring if you're not high, so I gladly accepted the effexor hoping it would be fun....I was very wrong.

Each of the capsules were 37.5 mg and about a half an hour before arriving at the rave I took two, waited a while, talking to some friends waiting around for the pills to kick in (note: I did not take the capsules whole due to the whole time release thing, rather I just opened them and poured them in my mouth and washed the nastiness down with soda) but they did not kick in, so I took a few more (same method) waited a while and still nothing, so I took the rest that I had and soon after I started to feel very angry and violent. It seemed like everything and everyone had something about it/them that pissed me off, eventually another close friend confronted me about my rude behavior and I ended up screaming 'there is not one hot girl here to dance with! I'm leaving! Fuck you, asshole! I can't fucking stand you! You can fucking walk home!' (home was 10 miles away and trust me it was the effexor talking, I would never say anything like that to him he's my best friend and I even consider him my brother)

So I walk out of the club to my car only to find the battery was dead, and I ended up beating the hell out of my dashboard and stereo (which no longer works :( I miss having music in my car)

After beating the hell out of my car I felt a little less agitated, then my friend comes out to the car and finds someone to give me a jump, and since I felt better, I told him sorry and we drove home.

The next morning I took the bubble packs that the pillls came in out of my pocket and at the beginning of the night before they were all full, and I realized I had taken all of the pills, which added up to a whopping 450mg over a 5-6 hour period, damn did I feel like an idiot.
I realized I had taken all of the pills, which added up to a whopping 450mg over a 5-6 hour period, damn did I feel like an idiot.

The rest of the day I felt incredibly odd. Not high or buzzed or anything like that, I just felt, like, offbeat. That night I went to bed early but I could not sleep so I put in my favorite movie to calm me down, get me back to normal and help me sleep, but no, I started to hallucinate. The hallucinations weren't very vivid, but I could still tell I was hallucinating, like it seemed like my blankets were moving like large waves in the ocean and it seemed the walls there moving like curtains or sheets blowing in the wind, they weren't bad enough to freak me out like I was tripping, but it was enough to keep me awake all night.

The hallucinations stopped a little bit before dawn, but I still had that 'offbeat' feeling for the next three days.

Anyways, thats my story about effexor, I thought I should share.
I suppose this drug could be helpful to some people, given that they take the correct dosage...but if you're thinking you can get high off it, you can't, bad things will probably happen, so please if you're going to be dumb and try and get high on it, take my advice and don't do it.


P.s. Sorry if theres a lot of typos, or misspellings, grammar mistakes or if it just seems like it rambles on and on, I'm a tad bit sleep deprived at this time of writing this

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 70458
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 18, 2016Views: 2,816
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Pharms - Venlafaxine (191) : Hangover / Days After (46), Difficult Experiences (5), Rave / Dance Event (18)

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