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The Dark Side of X
MDMA or Bad/Suspect Ecstasy
Citation:   EddieX. "The Dark Side of X: An Experience with MDMA or Bad/Suspect Ecstasy (exp70477)". Jul 28, 2016.

T+ 0:00
1 tablet oral MDMA
  T+ 1:00 1 tablet oral MDMA
  T+ 0:00 1 tablet oral MDMA
With every positive there’s a negative. I have been experimenting with ecstasy for the past year now. I have yet to have a bad trip up until recently when I decided to take ecstasy on an empty stomach and troubled mind. From experience, I believe ecstasy should be taken when you are physically and mentally healthy otherwise all the positive energy you receive from the X can become into negative.

My story starts off with me going to a party with a friend. At this time I was lost mentally due to a hard breakup and my mind was a bit disturbed.
At this time I was lost mentally due to a hard breakup and my mind was a bit disturbed.
I also decided to attend this party at last minute on an empty stomach not having eaten all day and my friend happened to had sold me three X pills. This is why things went wrong.

One pill, one hour, feeling music euphoria. I was an experienced ecstasy user at this time so one pill wasn’t good enough for me. Two pills, another hour went by, still rolling and still feeling awesome. Greedy as I was, I wanted to feel better, nearing midnight I popped my last one. The party wouldn’t end till 5am.

About 30 minutes after I popped the last one was when things went wrong. A word I like to use is ‘dark.’ My mind raced, memories flooded, thoughts traversed, these were thoughts I shouldn’t be focusing on. I should’ve been enjoying my roll. My body became anxious and restless, I had to walk around, I needed to walk around to not lose sanity, something felt wrong but I couldn’t stop moving.

Slow-motion, is what my body went into very suddenly. The feeling when I start rolling but it was darker, very darker. The faces became blurs, the lights became blinding, the music became slow, my vision dragged but everything seemed darker not only visually but metaphorically. I was lost in a haze, I didn’t know what was happening, anxiety hits me and I'm scared, fearing for life. I grab my friend, stare him in the eyes and tell him I need to go outside. My friend noticing my grave expression immediately knew something was wrong.

3-4 hours, sitting in the car, my friend trying still rolling trying to calm me down. He would talk to me but I could hear nothing, nor did I want to, for fear or losing sanity under this dark X trip. During this time of sitting in the car, there was a 30 minute period where my mouth instantly shut tight, everything got darker, I became even more scared, and all I could do was whimper, I couldn’t talk because my mouth didn’t want to open. I was scared.

Ever since then I've been careful to be healthy and conscience free before doing it. The comedown that followed this experience was probably the worst ecstasy comedown I had ever experience and it included severe depression and I actually got in a fight with my best buddy who had saved me from going insane off of the bunk X. I might be wrong, but I believe those pills I took were laced with meth because I had never felt so twacked out in my life during and after an X trip. Stay safe fellow ecstasy users, it’s a wonderful experience when done right.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 70477
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 28, 2016Views: 5,511
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