Big Green Monster
Citation:   Brown. "Big Green Monster: An Experience with LSD (exp70589)". Aug 8, 2013.

1 hit   LSD (blotter / tab)
I am 18 years old and, prior to this event, have had experience with marijuana, alcohol, and salvia. I've wanted to try LSD for a while, and have had some access to it, but have never found the 'perfect time' to try it, until 2 weeks ago. I was on a spring break trip with 11 friends on the coast of North Carolina. We had an amazing oceanfront house with a great beach and, since it was off-season, literally no one was staying in the houses near us. A few friends and I decided it was perfect for our first trip. We brought 8 hits of what I later learned was very high quality acid: 3 for A (who had tripped several times, working his way up to 3), 2 for me, 2 for F, and 1 for R (F's girlfriend). On our fourth day at the house, the other trippers decided we should do it that day. At first I was hesitant; I was slightly hung over and thought I should be in better health for the first time. Eventually, I felt better and decided to take the hits that day.

Around 3 P.M., we all took our hits together, A taking all 3 hits, F, R, and I each taking 1. About 10 minutes after taking the hit, another friend and I decided to drive down the road to a surf shop and buy a cheap skimboard as we had spent the last four days with nothing to do but drink and smoke, and were looking for an adventure. After about 45 minutes, at the surf shop, I began to feel a little strange. My vision was somehow intensified, and I could feel something was a little different.

By the time we got back to the house (my friend was driving), the feeling had grown a little but was still hard to place. The other trippers were feeling the same thing. F had taken his second hit but I decided to wait it out a little longer. P and I ran out to the beach to skimboard. The other trippers followed to watch and run around on the beach. Skimboarding seemed easier with the buzz, as I had less inhibitions. I had plenty of bad falls, but what would normally hurt was simply funny and I would get right back on the board.

Around 4:45, when we stopped skimboarding, all four of us were feeling the LSD a lot. It wasn't at all how I imagined it. Having salvia as my only other psychedelic experience, that was all I could imagine it being like. Salvia tends to change my perception in a confusing, usually uncomfortable way. It leaves me pretty much out of commission. For example, my friend spent several minutes on salvia trying to stop the graham cracker king from unstitching the black and white triangles that were holding together the universe. On LSD, while my perception is definitely changed, I have enough wits about me to appreciate the wonder of what I'm seeing. On salvia, I hallucinate because I'm far too out of your mind to see what's real. On LSD, I can't believe what I'm seeing is really happening right before my eyes, no matter how hard I concentrate on it.

After skimboarding, A, F, R, and I lay down on a strangely lush green patch of lawn in front of our house. It was amazing to run my fingers through the carpet of green that was almost like fur. We decided that we were on top of a big green monster with thick green fur, holding on to its fur for a ride. Suddenly A, who had taken 3 hits, leaned forward and threw up into the grass. His face was far redder than I had ever seen anyone's face be before. When we asked him why he was throwing up, he replied 'I am?' He barfed several times, still unaware that it was happening, and then was perfectly fine again. We then realized that only we, the four on acid, were still outside, with the other eight would-be babysitters inside the house. It was hysterical to us that they would leave us outside alone, and we laughed uncontrollably for several minutes, screaming 'We need an adult!' over and over. Finally, a friend, M, came out and sat down with us. We all laid back and looked at the sky. It was the absolutely perfect weather to trip, with lots of low beautiful clouds moving amazingly fast. F and I were awestruck, and repeatedly asked each other if the clouds could possibly be moving that fast. Upon a closer look, the clouds swirled like Van Gogh's 'Starry Night'. I smiled, knowing it was the acid, and watched the patterns of swirling clouds for a while.

Around 6:00, we decided to go inside. I was excited to talk to my other friends about what I was feeling and seeing. When we got in, the dark, yellow lighting of the house was disorienting. I remembered that I still had another hit to take, and being perfectly satisfied with what I was feeling, I offered it to my friend H, hoping that he would have a similar experience. He took the hit. The trippers and I tried to listen to the music that was playing in the living room, assuming it would be great, and it was, but the inside didn't feel right. We all went out on the balcony of our house overlooking the ocean. The sky had become a dark blue and the waves were huge. We all stood on top of a picnic table and laughed with the wind roaring through us. It felt amazing to be so far high up with the enormous ocean crashing around us.

After a few minutes, an extremely drunk non-tripper, E, walked out onto the balcony and climbed onto the railing. We pulled her down and pushed her inside, laughing about how the people on acid were the ones babysitting the ones that weren't. After a while, the wind made it too cold outside and we decided to go inside to the disorienting dark lighting of the house. With too much stimulus coming from music and drunk friends, the trippers decided we all needed to stay together to make sense of it all. That didn't last long, as F and R went into their bedroom and shut the door. A and I were angry, assuming they went to have sex and leave us alone, but after about a half hour realized that they were just lying on their bed, talking and trying to make sense of all they were feeling. We were all overjoyed to be together again, and realized that it would be hard to act sexually with the mindset we were all in, resulting in what became a common reassurance throughout the night, 'It's not sexual!'.

Around 7:00, we all went back to the living room where the music was. I laid back in a comfortable chair and looked at the ceiling. Even though I was perfectly conscious and aware of my surroundings, the thousands of tiny dots on the ceiling were clearly swirling around each other. All of the other trippers noticed it too and we talked about it for a while. The music in the background, this time Sigur Ros, became a subtle obsession for us. We were constantly trying to figure out what was real, and the persistent noise in the background became our stability. At one point, a song ended and the room was quiet. We all instantly stopped talking and looked around, confused and unable to function without music. We yelled for someone to put music back on and finally someone did.

One of the most noticeable effects of the acid was that time went incredibly slowly. At first, this is something we laughed about, but as this effect became more noticeable, it was almost frightening. We would go from room to room in a confused haze, watching everything swirl and trying to stay together for what seemed like an hour, only to realize that it had been 6 minutes.

Much of the rest of the night was a confusing blur. The trippers would try to stay together, only to somehow be separated. At one point I was left alone in a bedroom, lying on the bed. I decided it might be better to experience the trip on my own for a little while. I spent several minutes watching the way the corners of the walls swayed back and forth before two of my very good friends, M and T, came stumbling in. They were both beyond drunk. They sat on the bed with me and T bent over me, slurring about how much fun he was having. I found his mannerisms to be fascinating, the way his body rocked back and forth on the bed.

When they left the room and I followed them and sat back down in the living room again, this time next to A. A, who had taken 3 hits, was staring from person to person in the room, not saying anything. When I asked him how he was feeling he stared at me and made a weak attempt at a nod. I began to feel detached and disoriented again, so I sat in the corner of the room by myself, to observe the drunks and trippers without too much interaction. Someone had spilled a bunch of coins on the floor where I was, and I started to flick the coins up into the air with my thumb. It was satisfying to watch them fly into random directions. M walked over with the handheld game Catchphrase, which we had been playing constantly all week. At first I was very reluctant to play, sure that it would be way to much for my brain to handle, but it turned out to be really fun and stimulating. I seemed to be better at the game on acid.

By around 10:30, when I thought I would be coming down, things were still going strong. My friend T, the extremely drunk one in the bedroom, had become extremely sick, and several people were taking care of him in the bathroom. I was still with a few people in the living room. I was mostly trying to prevent two girls from drinking more. They both had a bad habit of drinking vodka like water once they were too drunk to care. After about 15 minutes of keeping them away from the fridge, I gave up. I went to the bathroom where my friend T was to check on him. When I walked in, three friends were watching him, naked in a bath tub full of water, while he threw up what looked like blood. I panicked, still very much tripping. In my mind they were watching him die in the tub. I expected to see him throw up his intestines next. I soon found out they had given him some red Gatorade and he wasn't able to keep it down. T was still drunk beyond words, but he was at least conscious and not dying. My friends turned on the shower on the coldest setting and T yelped a few times, making us all laugh, and I felt a lot better.

I went back into the living room, and after about a half hour, T came out and sat next to me with a bucket. He dry-heaved into it for the next few hours. Soon after T came out of the bathroom, one of the girls I had finally allowed access to the fridge ran in, and spent most of the night there with her hair flopped into the toilet. A, P, T, and I watched a couple movies, Training Day and something else. I needed something to focus my mind on waiting for the comedown. F and R spent a lot of time outside looking at the stars, but I was glad to be warm inside, and didn't want to risk an uncomfortable experience. I spent a long time helping T and making sure he was alright. Around 3:00 A.M., 12 hours from taking the hit, everyone went to bed. I was still tripping, but starting to come down. Going to sleep on acid was as hard as everyone had told me it would be. As soon as I closed my eyes, I would see some random object (once it was P's head, another time it was a hamburger) in the center of my vision and it would multiply to hundreds of that object spiraling outward. My visions would get stranger and more vivid until I would open my eyes, and eventually try closing my eyes again, only to repeat the experience. When I looked at the wood slats lining the wall, the borders of the slat swirled and meshed together. I eventually fell asleep, somewhere around 4:00.

I didn't feel any significant hangover effects from the LSD. I experienced something a few nights later that could be a flashback, but I'm not sure. As I was lying in bed with the light on, the dots on the ceiling were very clearly swirling in the same manner as when I was on LSD. I felt no other effects. I would recommend most people trying LSD, starting small of course. My first trip was nothing enlightening, but was a very powerful experience and I'm glad to have had it. I will definitely try acid again in a few months.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 70589
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 8, 2013Views: 5,570
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LSD (2) : Small Group (2-9) (17), First Times (2)

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