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It's Definitely Real
Citation:   GrayMatter. "It's Definitely Real: An Experience with DMT (exp70656)". May 11, 2021.

2 hits vaporized 2-Me-DMT
It was to be about 2:00pm on Saturday that we were to try the drug. A friend of mine in Santa Cruz had just purchased some pure DMT, something I had been waiting a long time to get my hands on. At the time, I had done LSD five times, mushrooms seven times, mescaline once, salvia upwards of thirty times, MDMA six times, and many other psychoactives which are not as relevant to this experience.

We got to the house right on time. M and J had already smoked the drug a few times before. M was to smoke first, then J, and then me. M and J are both very close friends of mine, and we were also accompanied by two more of my good friends. I was feeling relaxed, although a little anxious.

M loaded 20mg into the crack pipe. We listened to music as he slowly hit the pipe five or six times before laying it down and lying back. His pupils absorbed his irises as he gazed into the ceiling. Every thirty seconds or so he would look at us and try to say something, and then give up half way, laughing as his eyes returned to the off-white paint above him. At one point he sat up and said, 'It's definitely real', as he stared into the ceiling. We weren't sure whether he meant that the DMT was real, or that his hallucinations were real, but either would have been just as good. After about three or four minutes, he was 80% back to normal, though still quite obviously high. He loaded 20mg up for J, who followed a very similar ritual.

Now it was my turn. Knowing that I might never come across this mystical substance again, I wanted my hit to be a good one. We poured 40mg of the orange crystals into the pookie, and I sat on a mat on the floor and leaned against the pillows behind me. M handed me the pipe and the lighter, and I closed my eyes one last time. When I opened them, my mouth was on the pipe, and I was lighting the bottom. I inhaled slowly, as the long, curving chamber filled with thick white smoke. When the plastic sting on the back of my tongue and throat had became too much to take, I took my thumb off the lighter and inhaled as hard as I could. I held the breath ten seconds or so before coughing out plumes of smoke. Looking up at the room, everything appeared to have a wavy tinge to it, as if I was looking at all my friends through water. I had little time. I put my mouth to the piece again and repeated the process. I handed the pipe to M, and fell onto my back coughing.

An extraordinary tingle started at my limbs and then spread over my entire body. It quickly grew stronger and stronger, and suddenly the feeling expanded in an entirely new way, changing forms into something I had never felt. I was being prodded with feelings I couldn't explain or relate to; it was as if I suddenly had not five senses, but twenty, and I didn't have the time to comprehend their uses
it was as if I suddenly had not five senses, but twenty, and I didn't have the time to comprehend their uses
. This tingle grew into a static that filled the room, and the visuals followed suit. The room quickly turned into an edgy, swarming, incomprehensible static of whites, blues, browns, and reds. At first my body felt strange to the point of sickness, but I quickly reassured myself that I must embrace each and every feeling. Doing so freed my body of the tension it had built up, and the static started to untangle. My throat began to burn, and I sat up mumbling, 'Water, water!' I drank the water I was handed, holding onto reality as best I could so that I wouldn't drop the cup. I was probably only about fifteen seconds into the experience at this point.

When my back returned to the mat, I completely let go, and was overwhelmed with a feeling the intensity of which I could compare only to MDMA. It was similar only in its overwhelming nature, however, and not in its euphoria. This feeling was strange, alien, and always changing. I stared at the white ceiling, and it seemed as though the colors from the walls around it were melting and swirling into it. Somehow, this mixture of colors was everything, and I was more than content with that fact. My mind was moving so fast that I could not understand the majority of my thoughts. Although I closed my eyes many times, I only remember the visuals of the ceiling. I felt as though the image of the outside world was burned onto my inner eye. It was a if I was seeing through my eyelids, but this didn't startle me or seem strange in any way at the time. I was ever aware throughout the trip that I had just taken a drug, and that the other people in the room were there primarily to observe my reaction to the drug. This compelled me to stare only at the ceiling, as glances into the rest of the room seemed far too complicated and, frankly, scary.

About two minutes after taking the hits I sat up to look at my friends. I began to smile uncontrollably, and then laugh, and I felt wonderful. Everything still had a different hue, and a kind of pull to it, for the next ten minutes or so. When I stretched out onto the mat again a wave of euphoria swept over me. My body felt slightly worn out, even though it had been so brief.

Throughout the experience, I had a slight feeling of discomfort, and questioned whether I would like to take the drug again. However, I found that minutes after the experience I was extremely anxious to try it again, as I am now. Hopefully I run across it again.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 70656
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 11, 2021Views: 669
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DMT (18) : General (1), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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