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A Delusion
Citation:   Euphoriamanic. "A Delusion: An Experience with Methylphenidate (exp7076)". Jul 18, 2002.

  oral Pharms - Methylphenidate
I have always had some symptoms of ADHD and at the age of 21,I decided to consult a psychiatrist. He gave me Efalex and later Xanax (alprozalam) in case it was anxiety. When both failed he prescribed Ritalin (methylphenidate) for me.

The first time I took 10mg and after 30 t0 60 minutes, I started feeling my heart beeting a lot and after some time I felt euphoric. Everything seemed so good. I was doing exams at the moment and under the effect of Ritalin, I succeeded to study an entire four hours without stopping. I actually found studying a very pleasurable thing while under Ritalin ' s effect.

The next day I felt the same with a 10mg pill. On the third day, I
again took a 10mg pill and felt the same. However when it's effect
finished I decided to take another one and it worked as well. The following morning I took another pill during the exam. It worked fine.

However starting from the fourth day, Ritalin never produced its miraculous effect again. Instead of feeling euphoric, it started to make me anxious and restless. I increased dosages up to 60mg but it was even worse. I have tried paroxetine with it, alcohol, benzodiazepines, but it was all in vain. Ritalin never worked again!

I started taking paroxetine everyday, and occasionally after having taken paroxetine (20mg/day) for a long time, I stop it suddenly. After a day or two I start feeling dizzy, and like having a fever. To my amusement during this SSRI withdrawal syndrome, sometimes Ritalin starts making me euphoric again (not as much as the first times).

Can anyone explain this ?

All I know, is that Ritalin intially seemed to be a panacea and the ultimate drug, but it turned out to be disappointing.

Exp Year: 1999ExpID: 7076
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 18, 2002Views: 25,002
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