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Space Cakes with Morning Glory Icing
Morning Glory & Cannabis
Citation:   Skittles. "Space Cakes with Morning Glory Icing: An Experience with Morning Glory & Cannabis (exp70822)". Apr 28, 2008.

1.5 g oral Cannabis (edible / food)
  225 seeds oral Morning Glory (edible / food)
Me and my friend, we'll call him Scooby, hatched a crazy idea to mix old fashioned space cakes with a quarter of ground up stems, and Morning Glory seeds. We did this on the North Carolina beach, in a cottage his mom and he were renting. We bought a box of run of the mill brownie mix, just over 8 grams of pot stems, and 27 packets of morning glory seeds. This is what was born on the North Carolina coast:

Cosmic Brownies/Space Cake
1 box of your favorite brownie mix
1/2 stick butter
8.5 grams cannabis stems
~1350 Morning Glory seeds
1 can of your favorite icing

Grind up Pot stems. Mix with 1/2 stick of butter. Back brownies according to packeged directions. When brownies finish baking, spread the 'Cannibutter' in an even layer across brownies. Grind up Morning Glory seeds. Mix can of icing and seeds powder/husks. When brownies cool, and butter is fully soaked through the brownies, spread the Morning Glory icing across brownies in an even layer. Enjoy.

Between my friend's mom, myself, and my friend, ate about 1/2 of the batch, and tripped for about 8 hours each.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 70822
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 28, 2008Views: 12,112
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Cannabis (1), Morning Glory (38) : Preparation / Recipes (30), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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