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Surfing Surreality
Salvia divinorum (60x extract)
Citation:   kalamazoo. "Surfing Surreality: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (60x extract) (exp70831)". Aug 8, 2018.

  smoked Salvia divinorum (extract)
I have had my fair share of psychedelic experiences; and yet nothing compares with salvia. It's a dissociative, it separates me completely from my surroundings. Some view this as, allowing your spirit to break from the body. Looking back now, it just seems wildly inconceivable.

My friends and I all gathered on her king size bed; we had just purchased Salvia from this awesome underground bookstore (it had a bunch of books on how to grow weed, all explicit things, etc, it was pretty groovy)

Anyhow, my friend A was first to inhale. As soon as she did, she was speechless... After the few minutes of being stunned, she put her hands and formed a 90 angle... All she uttered was, 'right triangles, look at the right triangles' Due to the fact that none of us had ever done salvia before, we all thought that she was just a light weight and the effects would differ drastically for our own being. We thought wrong.

As my turn approached, I was a bit anxious, but nevertheless excited. For a psychonaut, each drug adds to your library of experiences that you can draw upon. Each further helps to develop your unique view of the world and its inner forces.

I packed the bong, full, and torched it with a lighter, I kashed the bowl and while holding it in, counted to thirty. (My friend actually taped me on her cell phone, but sadly her cell phone since then has been lost. (I'm sure the person who found it is like, WTF! Lol.) I mentioned the phone because you can see that as soon as I exhaled, I screamed, 'what the bloody hell!' (perhaps, I left out the bloody... Seeing as how I'm not actually british. Lol)

It was at that point, that the world split in two. My vision became extremely angular and I was struck with utter confusion
the world split in two. My vision became extremely angular and I was struck with utter confusion

Then, in physical reality, my eyes rolled to the back of my head. Yet, in my mental reality, I was nothing more than a bolt in a wall, an atom, a tiny particle responsible for holding another life form together. I was beset with confusion, anxiety, not knowing anything. It is so difficult to understand what it means to not know 'anything' I was like an amoeba, I didn't have a brain, I just had a purpose... And my 'purpose' was revealed to me, yet, obviously, I do not remember. Ahhh, such is life.

So whilst I am laying there, completely unconscious, I was actually in a very distant land. I had the most horrible sensation of being torn apart, right down the middle, and of something being dragged out of me. There was an audible voice over everything, it was not english which it spoke. It just spoke to me through my thoughts, so that I knew precisely what it was uttering, without it actually uttering anything at all. All I can say is I seemed to be an element of existence, a building block of matter. I made up something much much larger, and at the end of my vision, I figured out what it was, but when I awoke, it was gone.

The next time I did salvia, I was thrown into the exact same land. Only this time, I could feel the familiarity. I still hadn't a clue what was going on. I still was undeniably ill at ease, only this time I felt more of a connection with these feelings. This time, I could remember more clearly what I saw--

Everyone I had ever met was before me, yet, I did not know who they were. They just looked familiar. I was peering around the room I was actually in, and apparently incorporating my friends into the images I saw. They were all chanting something, telling me that it is all a farce, reality is just a game, and that my whole life was a joke... They were laughing at me, saying they've known all along, I was almost in tears. I didn't even really know what I was-- a particle? Human? Once it started to wear off, I asked my friend N, 'why didnt you tell me sooner?' I actually vocalized this, so in reality she was like WTF... But she answered in my head, and told me, that friends were something I created so as not to be so lonely, but the reality is that my existence was necessary for a larger picture, one that could not be completely understood by a tiny speckle of an individual such as myself. It seemed that all the images of these people were molding together, I could see the light, I could see the larger picture that encompassed all these tiny life forms. It was there, I realized it all...

It was gone again.

Anyway, I leave you with this--- my salvia experience, written when I started to trip on acid. Lol

'I was on a distant ship-- no man's land. My ship sadly set sail.
No time to say goodbye, only time to look around, I was long-forgotten,
Every single sensation turned to dust. An unknown feeling turned to a develish terror.
I was long lived and being pulled towards the void, a conveyor belt of molecules
Enveloped every thought, awareness was something lost in the past, now completely
Forgotten, completely unaware of myself, my 'life', my emotions, as well as my whole
Entire being. Who was this foreign creature?
Unaware. Undefined. Nonexistent'

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 70831
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 8, 2018Views: 648
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Salvia divinorum (44) : Poetry (43), Entities / Beings (37), Retrospective / Summary (11), General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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