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Decided to Look for a Legal Herb That Could Help
Citation:   The Herbal King. "Decided to Look for a Legal Herb That Could Help: An Experience with Kratom (exp70846)". Apr 10, 2017.

  oral Kratom (ground / crushed)
...with ADD and/or Aspergers Syndrome

A few weeks ago I got fed up with waiting (YEARS) for an official diagnosis for the above that would allow for prescription help, if it would be even available... I decided to look for a legal herb that could help with the following:

1) My Stress (I'm a very stressed individual nearly all the time)
2) The Attention and focusing problems I've had because of the above conditions
3) My Anxiety and fluctuating moods including some depression - (I had been WRONGLY prescribed antidepressants - Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors - that sent me into an even worse wreak!)
4) I have very bad joint pains...

I came across kratom (and ordered some salvia for me and a couple of mates to try too but haven't tried it yet). Last week, I had my first try (and was very skeptical at this point as to its effectiveness - especially at this dose) - ONE VERY heaped teaspoon on some cheese on toast (A very good method BTW), - It was apparently 'super strength' but with no origin given. And It was bliss.... after about 45 mins I was pretty sedated and 'content' - no stress whatsoever...

The next morning I woke up BEFORE my alarm and wide awake feeling really happy and had had a REALLY good nights sleep with VERY vivid dreams... This was extremely unusual and I was really chilled the whole day. :-)

The NEXT day after that I did twice as much around a friends and had a spliff and was very sedated and euphoric and CONTENT without all the usual extra things going on unnecessarily in my head... it was great... ALL pain I had was gone too!

The next day I was, once again VERY happy and chilled, and unlike usual... I was able to pay attention for my ENTIRE uni lecture that day - the first time in that class EVER and even took notes the whole time, too.

A couple of days later I decided to do what I thought would be a 'stimulating' dose rather then a sedating one... it was a good teaspoon, but not extra heaped or anything... And the effect was good - I was chilled and chatty... not as euphoric or 'nice' as the other times but it DID have an added bonus: when me and my long term girlfriend went upstairs about 1 1/2 - 2 hours later, I lasted not the usual 30 mins... but 2 and a half HOURS!!!! And it was NOT at the sacrifice of any pleasure whatsoever! This REALLY feels like a wonder drug to me.

I ordered some more kratom. Yesterday I had 2g of 12x Bali and I had a friend round - I was really chatty, open, chilled and content, not really sedated but it was very pleasurable and mild... It was a freebie with my order and definitely nice... Today Ive been pretty chilled, not as much as the previous times but the 12x bali seemed to 'lack' something...

Tonight I did a heaped teaspoon of Super Premium Green Vein Thai about 20 mins after a glass of grapefruit juice... And this is the first and only time I've been disappointed... not really felt much other then I've managed to stay up another 3 hours longer then usual! lol...

Overall I know this report doesn't give any negatives, but in MODERATION and so long as I don't abuse it just to get totally wreaked - which I don't personally want to do, it's an amazing plant. I'm not a square, I think it's ok to get sedated as that is really loverly and euphoric with nice tunes on, I just don't see the need of trying to drop 20g and puking all night. Perhaps my tolerance will now build but I will try to maintain it at an affordable 5g of premium powdered / super meung da thai leaf if possible.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 70846
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 10, 2017Views: 4,539
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Kratom (203) : First Times (2), Retrospective / Summary (11), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Glowing Experiences (4), Various (28)

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