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It Does Work
Citation:   PersonalFreedom. "It Does Work: An Experience with Kratom (exp71056)". Mar 26, 2018.

T+ 0:00
0.125 tsp oral Kratom (ground / crushed)
  T+ 0:45 0.125 tsp oral Kratom (ground / crushed)
I purchased 4 ounces of powdered green Bali premium commercial kratom from a vendor and 1 ounce of dried leaf kratom from a different vendor.

The powdered Bali premium arrived first. I didn't want to overdo it, being a small female, so I just took 1/8 measuring teaspoon worth, put it in a tiny bit of orange juice, and drank it. It was bitter, but the OJ disguised it well; I've tasted worse things. This was late in the afternoon on a fairly empty stomach.

I went out for a walk, and after about 15 minutes I began to have a feeling of extra strength and vitality. I had been trying not to 'wait for' an effect, not wanting a placebo effect. I definitely noticed something different.

When I got home from the walk, I was definitely feeling as though I had taken a small amount of Vicodin or other opiate - I felt warm, relaxed, happy, had a sense of well-being, and had no ill effects. About 45 minutes had passed, so I took another 1/8 teaspoon with juice in the same way, just chugged it.

When my husband got home from work, I was feeling the same way I feel on pain pills - talkative, loving, happy, relaxed. I felt kind of stimulated and relaxed at the same time.
I felt kind of stimulated and relaxed at the same time.
I was pleasantly surprised that the kratom did what I had hoped it would.

The dried leaf kratom from the other vendor arrived the next day. I took the same amount (1/8 tsp.) in the same manner, at about the same time. This time, nothing happened! It was a complete dud. Maybe I didn't take enough, maybe this type wasn't as potent, or maybe it was fake, I don't know. But there was a drastic difference and non-effect.

The next morning, I took 1/2 tsp. of the Bali premium again with a little orange juice, to try a little bigger dose. I took it on an empty stomach before eating. Again, I got a definite opiate feeling, stronger than the first time. I was very happy and had more energy that allowed me to work out harder than usual. I don't think it had much of an analgesic effect, I still noticed some chronic pain that I have, but the pain didn't matter as much to me.

Probably because I took it on an empty stomach and am a small person, this time about 3 hours into it, I did experience some transient nausea. It wasn't too bad but I did lie down for awhile. I also felt too 'medicated' - a little too zombified, and my body felt 'blurry.' I personally don't like that feeling, so I won't take that much again.

I am happy to have found something that's legal (still) that gives a feeling of pleasant, mild well-being without severely stoning or incapacitating one. The strong effects lasted about 4 hours, but with residual effects up to 6-7 hours. It also gave a feeling of satiety afterward, as though I didn't need to take more right away. In fact, I didn't want to.

So, to put it all in a nutshell, I would give this a thumbs up. It's main positive effects for me were a feeling of strength & energy, and well-being & happiness. Way better than alcohol, which I don't like. Better than marijuana, which doesn't give me a feeling of mild euphoria. It reminded me of some real absinthe I had once in Europe, actually, but more opiate-like.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 71056
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 26, 2018Views: 1,334
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