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A Bitter Mush, a Drink, a Smoke
Kola Nut
by Herb
Citation:   Herb. "A Bitter Mush, a Drink, a Smoke: An Experience with Kola Nut (exp71358)". Feb 22, 2018.

T+ 0:00
1 nuts oral Kola Nut  
  T+ 24:00 1 nuts oral Kola Nut (ground / crushed)
  T+ 0:00   smoked Kola Nut (ground / crushed)
  T+ 0:00   smoked Tobacco  
  T+ 0:00   smoked Cannabis  
So here we are again looking for something recreational.....I have given up on the pot and have had the government decide to reclass shrooms and have as yet to find a reliable source of the 'legal' highs. I have done my fair share of the mind benders in my time and have even tried some wierd ass mixes for this report I am gonna go through something that really just fell in my lap ...literally.

An acquaintance of mine has just returned from West Africa and brought back some Kola nuts...the stories he told of his 'experiences' made me think hmmmmm I wanna give it a go so I persuaded him to part with a few in my direction.

Method 1.... I split open 1 nut and methodically chewed the life out of each piece and swallowed the resulting bitter mush until the nut was all ingested....and waited...and waited ...and waited....2hrs later I felt a mild effect but not unlike a really strong espresso coffee....short lived.
I felt a mild effect but not unlike a really strong espresso coffee....short lived.

Day 2 method 2....I ground 1 nut in a coffee grinder till a fine powder and made a drink using coffee as a base extra sugar (kola is bitter)...same as eating but quicker and more of a heart pounding experience with an almost amphetamine quality to the experience...definitely could not resist smiling alot.

About a week later now and have decided I'm gonna smoke some to see what happens. The following will be as I'm doin it so here goes.,, My method is gonna be 1 nut powdered as in method 2 ...I'm rolling 2 tobacco and kola and the other weed and kola.....

Time now 18:00: light tobacco/Kola mix, about half teaspoon kola to kingsize rizla hand rolled smoke. Taking deep inhale...holding ...exhaling....repeating at steady 'chain smoker' pace 3min to finish.

18:45...bit light-headed, mild head ache, body feeling light, mind very contemplative. Other than that NORMALITY PREVAILS.

2200.....nothing further to report.

Next day
Weed /kola mix as I did last night with tobacco. Same experience but just stoned from the weed.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 71358
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 22, 2018Views: 1,815
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Kola Nut (358) : Unknown Context (20), Preparation / Recipes (30), Retrospective / Summary (11)

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