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So High That God Would Need a Telescope
by K
Citation:   K. "So High That God Would Need a Telescope: An Experience with Cannabis (exp71373)". Jul 17, 2017.

T+ 0:00
1 hit smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  T+ 0:05 1 cig. smoked Cannabis (plant material)
This was not my first experience with pot, but it certainly was the best that I have ever had.

It was 5/21/08 and my friend S and I had the intention to hang out at her cousin H's house and possibly smoke weed and we had discussed this at school and planned it all out. As soon as it was time to go at 3:00 PM, I met her outside the classroom and we walked off to her car and left for a place to get a bite to eat and then to my place to get some shit if I had any left. We got to my house and I found that there was only a tiny roach left, so I took that, a pair of tweezers, and a lighter. Now, this was some good shit I had thought, so I didn't want to waste any. We got in the car after saying bye to my parents, and we left to go to her cousin H's house. Little did I know what was in store for me.

4:30 PM: The car pulls in at cousin H's place. I've got my weed in my pocket, along with my tweezers and lighter. Now, S had told me that H was big into weed so I didn't feel as if I should keep this from anybody or not, so I brought up the topic of pot so we all started discussing it and such. A couple minutes later, H's cell phone rings and it is supposedly her dealer that has called so S and I both looked at each other excitedly as cousin H said 'You ready for me to spend a hundred dollars? Yeah, I'll be there soon.' Cousin H got us in the car and we set out to the dealers house.

5:00 PM: We arrive at said dealer's household with a large rust-red volkswagon bus with hippie stickers all over it, and flowers popping about here and there in the garden. S and I wait in the car while H goes in to get the weed. About 10 minutes later, H comes back and the smell of mint/skunk immediately fills my nostrils as I move up to see what she's got. Holy shit, this stuff smells so fucking good. Cousin H unwraps the magazine page and reveals the most beautiful marijuana that I had ever been blessed in my entire life to see. Absolutely fucking beautiful weed; some real top notch stuff. S and I smile at H as she wraps it back up and we set off back home.

5:30 PM: S, H, and I get back to Cousin H's place and we go to the side yard where the table and chairs are. H talks to S about being a designated driver, what if she gets too high, what her parents will say, ect.. while I get out my little roach and tweezers and light it up. I take about 1 puff off it and it's already much too small for me to smoke anymore so I just put it in my pocket for me to unwrap and roll in another joint later. Well, S puts some eye drops in so I figure I should do the same and we're both smiling really big at each other as we do this. Cousin H goes back in the house to roll a joint, and as she comes out I was greeted with the most amazing looking hooter I had ever seen in my life! H lights it and takes a few puffs and then hands it to me, seeing as my parents know I smoke weed and are fine with it. I take 2 pretty good hits off it and wait a minute, and them a couple more and give it back to H and thank her graciously for being able to smoke that wonderful smelling, looking, tasting, joint.

5:35 PM: I cannot feel a thing, and I wonder what is up with the weed. I know it's great stuff, so I lay back and figure that it's just a creeper.

5:40 PM: I REALLY feel it now! S didn't want to get high, but shit I think I'm high for the both of us at this point. Cousin H looks pretty fried too, but she can act perfectly straight if need be. I need to learn that talent..

5:45 PM: I break into the chip bag, and Cousin H and I tore that bitch up, haha.

5:49 PM: Yes, I'm looking at my watch and writing the times and everything that's gone on. I feel really messed up, and I start to explain how I feel to Cousin H. She looks at S and says 'oh dear god what have we done!' with a huge laugh at the end. I get on the trampoline and jump as high as I possibly can and I jump way above the netting. I feel as if I close my eyes, I'd be teleported away into outer space I'd be up so high. No, I'd be so high that God himself would put his hand to his forehead and gaze up into the sky and watch me fly up, up and away! Nobody and nothing could bring me down now, absolutely nothing. My skull is unscrewed like a bottle cap and my soul is wisping out and away with the wind from the center of my head. I feel completely dissasociated from my body and I touch things to see if they are real. All of my emotions, feelings, memories, hopes, and dreams are being poured out of my skull, and I feel as if everyone else can sense them as well. I feel very united, I feel perfect. I jump higher and higher, not even God with a telescope could possibly see me. I jump higher, and I hit my head on the ceiling of space and flutter back down, laughing. I feel a full body orgasm and every cell in my body is screaming with the most amazing pleasure it's ever felt. It's good to be human and I love life and everything in it. Well, everything but sadness, but that doesn't exist now. No, not now it doesn't.

6:00 PM: There are a lot of people here and I am tired so I sit back at the table where everyone is congrigated. S suggests that we leave because I'm acting really weird, so we do. I wanted to be with the people and possibly tell them how good I feel so that they can feel the same pleasure, but I didn't have the chance to. Oh well.

6:10 PM: We arrive at Taco Bell. I order a bean burrito and she doesn't order a damn thing because she isn't high. I tell you what, that bean burrito tasted like heaven.

6:15 PM: We go to the gas station to get gas, and I run in and get 3 packs of gummy candies to eat. I think the lady at the cash register could tell I was fried off my ass, but I didn't care. We get back in the car and I tear open the packages and get to eating.

6:30 PM: The car is driving at an incredible speed as we go up this mountain, I can fly! I throw octopus gummies on the window of the car and laugh my ass off with S.

6:35 PM: We get to the top of the mountain and I take pictures of it. I want to jump off this mountain and fly so damn badly. I have the most amazing wings, and they say 'PEACE, HOPE, and LOVE.' and I can do anything I set my mind to; I want to fly.

6:40 PM: Apparently that didn't work to well, because S had to shove me back in the car because I really wanted to jump off. Oh well. We set off to drive around town and just chill. I can feel the peak of the high barely wearing off, but it is still ten times or more powerful than any shit I've ever had.

7:00 PM: I arrive home, I don't know how, but I'm here. My parents are sitting on the couch and I'm trying as hard as I can to look sober because I've got to get a job interview done soon. I can't worry about that now, so I go up to my bedroom and just listen to music. I find that everything sounds a lot better than they usually do, and stuff is a whole lot cooler to watch. I could do this every day all day..

7:30 PM: I'm completely knocked out cold at the point, because I laid down and the cozyness of it all drifted me off to sleep. I dreamt of candy, flowing everywhere, spinning in circles, dancing across my field of vision; melting, twirling, dancing, like a tribe of Native Americans doing the Corn Dance.

It really was the best experience on pot that I have ever had. Since then my stuff hasn't felt as good since, haha. Have fun out there!

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 71373
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 17, 2017Views: 943
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Cannabis (1) : General (1), Various (28)

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