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Overlapping Time
by T
Citation:   T. "Overlapping Time: An Experience with Cannabis (exp71388)". Apr 23, 2018.

1 bowl smoked Cannabis (plant material)
My experience happened in my sophomore year of high school. Since then I've smoked plenty of weed and never had even a similar experience.

A friend of mine called 'A' and I wanted to get some weed for the weekend at her house. So I got my other friend 'S' to hook me up with just a bud which is all she had. 'A' and I didn't expect to get anything out of it so we didn't have our hopes up much. She had smoked plenty of times before, I however was a newbie. I had tried to smoke a couple times but only burned my throat or coughed like a rookie, but never felt any high.

So that night we grabbed a pop can and fashioned a 'pipe'. She and I smoked about half of it and she was almost instantly messed up. I was pretty disappointed thinking I was immune or something. I distinctly remember her getting up off the bed and watching her stumble out the door mumbling about getting an apple. Next thing I remember was standing behind her at the fridge smiling. When I came to realize that I couldn't remember how I got there I told 'A' that something odd was happening. She just laughed at me and proclaimed that I was 'in the void!'.

For the next 30 minutes or so I kept going in and out with I guess I would call a blackout. But to me it felt more like overlapping time. I still can't remember the moments lost, but I vividly remember when I came to and freaked out to 'A'. She was giggly and enjoying peeling and eating her apple while I was shaking and discovering a blanket wrapped around me out of nowhere and sitting at the counter.

I kept insisting to 'A' that I didn't like what this shit was doing to me and how freaked I was. My heart was racing and I actually asked her to call my mother. She reminded me how horrible that would turn out and told me to chill out. eventually I stopped blacking out, relaxed, and felt the normal goofy high from smoking weed that I'm now familiar with. Since then I've wondered if it was laced with something but it probably wasn't since 'A' wasn't affected at all. Others also say that first time highs can be very strange and intense.

The whole weird, scary trip lasted about an hour but felt like 5 hours.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 71388
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 23, 2018Views: 623
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Cannabis (1) : General (1), Difficult Experiences (5), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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