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Dog Pills
by Pnau
Citation:   Pnau. "Dog Pills: An Experience with Phenobarbital (exp71422)". Erowid.org. Dec 7, 2017. erowid.org/exp/71422

  repeated oral Phenobarbital (pill / tablet)
I'd like to just my experiences with a certain drug called Phenobarbital. I'm a sixteen year old with an extensive trip history over the past year or so (marijuana, acid, psilocybes, amanitas, dimenhydrinate), but when I tried the drug I was an inexperienced fifteen year-old.

I was looking for some aspirin in a cupboard when I discovered a very big jar of pills, which had been used to treat my dog for epilepsy. She no longer had seizures, so I decided to borrow the jar and check them out. I researched them in some prescription books (my mom works in pharmaceuticals) and found out they were barbiturates, and (relatively) safe.

I first tried one 60mg pill. The effects were a sort of drunk sensation, a numbing of the body, lack of motor control and an absence of anxiety. The effects were very long lasting. I still felt a little groggy the next day after taking Phenobarbital.

I took the entire jar of 61 pills over a three month period. This drug is very addictive. I used it to relieve anxiety and stress, and for the nice warm fuzzy feeling I experienced. The highest dose I took was 240mg, and by then I had a fair high tolerance to it. I slept for 16 straight hours and woke up groggy and fucked up, the way I remained for the entirety of the next day. Not very fun.

In all, it was a cheap (in fact, free) buzz, but nothing on getting nicely drunk. And compared to the more consciousness expanding end of the spectrum, Phenobarbital is a pretty lazy drug. Not highly recommended.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 71422
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 15
Published: Dec 7, 2017Views: 7,435
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Phenobarbital (208) : First Times (2), Addiction & Habituation (10), Hangover / Days After (46), Retrospective / Summary (11), Unknown Context (20)

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