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A Small Chunk To Begin With
Citation:   Das Bieren. "A Small Chunk To Begin With: An Experience with Heroin (exp71484)". Jul 23, 2017.

  IV Heroin
We were in a large city in the Midwest. An old friend was interesting in shooting heroin and I must admit, so was I. Alcohol is my vice of choice, but in the past I'd done quite a large amount of oxycontin and methadone. Only once had I encountered any heroin which I smoked from a piece of tin foil. The high wasn't very good and I was determined to bang it into my veins if I ever encountered it again. Well, here was my chance.

After doing business with a stout latino man at his run-down apartment my friend and I had a small balloon in hand. I assured him he could do most of the balloon as he was an experienced intravenous user and I had no tolerance whatsoever. 'It won't take much for me,' I kept reiterating. There was one cog in our plan though. The Man didn't have any clean gear we could take off of his hands. In my state it is not so easy to obtain syringes unless you prove you are a diabetic, but luckily my friend knew of a pharmacy that was very relaxed about these kinds of regulation. We promptly purchased a bag of 1cc u100 insulin syringes. It is important to note that I have a very stoic deameanor by nature, but once we had those needles I was becoming excited with anticipation.

After hightailing it to my house I checked to see if anybody was home. They weren't. It was time to cook. I knew every motion by heart. I've seen all of the movies and read all of the safety procedures on several websites. Upon opening the balloon I could tell it was Mexican black tar heroin. It was very sticky which from what little I know about the stuff is a good sign. It is at this point that I made it very clear to my friend, 'Give me a small chunk to begin with. I DO NOT want to overdose. It would bring great shame to my family.' He gave me what I thought to be a reasonable amount on my spoon and we prepared it for injection.

It took a few pokes to get into a vein. I have prominent veins so I was kind of annoyed that I could not hit one right off the bat. My buddy was kind enough to call on his expertise and inject me. It took him two tries, but he got one. I asked that he shoot me with half so I would know if I needed the rest which he did. After getting my initial rush I said, 'Gimme the rest, AHHHHHH.' I went to the bathroom and cleaned up my tracks and boy did that heroin feel good. It was similar to any oxycodone high but much more sedating. 'Wonderful,' I thought. I could tell I had done just the right dose.

For the next few hours I talked with my friend and enjoyed the body buzz. My speech was slowed down but all was right. I mentioned aloud that I normally vomit upon doing opiates with no tolerance though I was later to find out heroin is surprisingly smooth on my stomach. I even managed to eat some left over potato stew (I always become hungry on any drug be it beer or cocaine etc).

The only ill effects I suffered from heroin is my arms were a little bruised from searching for a good vein though this is negligible compared to the great high I received.

I'm sure I'll shoot more heroin in the future (Sparingly of course) but I will respext the drug when if I venture down that road. Happy shooting.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 71484
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 23, 2017Views: 2,767
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Heroin (27) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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