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I Had Fun Studying While on It
Citation:   Vanse. "I Had Fun Studying While on It: An Experience with Lisdexamfetamine (exp71489)". Mar 22, 2010.

50 mg oral Lisdexamfetamine (daily)
Vyvanse, an Adderrall Alternative

I have tried most things out there for ADHD, being a college student, and have a prescription for Vyvanse now. I personally think that it is one of the best to aid in any attempt to make my concentration increase.

I have had Adderral (I mean who hasn't if you have ADHD or are in college studying for final exams), and personally I did not like the sense of being frantic while learning. Yes it does the job it is supposed to do and keeps me on track. I have been prescribed Ritalin and Concerta as well, but I personally didn't like the way it made me feel when trying to read. When trying to read on Ritalin, I felt an overwhelming dizziness, and personally I thought it got in the way of my learning, instead of facilitating it. A friend of mine was prescribed this Vyvanse earlier in the year, and figured I would give it a shot.

All I can personally say is WOW. This is the one drug that allowed me to not only concentrate, but also conquer time (or so I thought). My view on it, as I am prescribed it now, is that it allows me to make learning fun as it can be.

Studying or functioning on this makes for an enjoyable experience that is very hard to describe. The only way I can put it is that I had fun studying while on it. Vyvanse made it fun to learn about all the things that I was dreading putting myself through. Please don’t get me wrong when I say it is fun, because it is not a trip. I can still function normally and do everything that I need to do, but it gives me an extra ‘UMPH’ in everything that I do.

For example:

In the working environment it provides a few benefits. It provides the awareness and fully awake-ness (that isn’t a word I know) during the day and allows me to get my work done. I stay on task and do not need to break from what I am doing or wander off task. It makes doing the meaningless work that I am required to get done less work and more play I guess. I can almost compare it to when I get a new video game that I have been waiting to play for quite some time and sit down to play it for a while. That feeling is the same feeling that I get when I am doing an English paper or trying to get through my entire economics text book a few days before the final, but I will get to that later. When I am not looking forward to doing something academic, Vyvanse makes me want to do it, something that I have not found with adderral or Concerta.

The experience that I get when I am on it is almost like adderral in the way that it makes me work faster, and allows me to pay close attention to detail. There are not the same drawbacks however of getting the racing heart or the agitation.

At school I work at a phone bank where we call alumni for donations and such, and one thing I found VERY useful is that fact that it makes me very friendly and outgoing. My friend said that he did not experience this, but he is also not that kind of person. I am a pretty friendly and outgoing person, but I think that this just enhanced it more than what I normally would be. It makes the time go by very quickly, and the three hour shifts that I work of just calling people from a computer go by very quickly.

Time seems to fly when on Vyvanse, but not in a bad way. I pick my head up to stretch or something and I will notice that an hour or two has gone by, but I quickly realize how much work I have gotten done over the amount of time that I have been working. This is where I get the idea that I can conquer time, because the work I don’t want to do does not seem like a chore anymore.

In the recreational department, it allows for some good sessions of video games, reading, working out, and even cleaning.

The only draw back I could see when taking Vyvanse is that it overwhelms me with the feeling that I should be getting something done.
The only draw back I could see when taking Vyvanse is that it overwhelms me with the feeling that I should be getting something done.
However that is easily trumped by anything shy of staring at the wall. Like I said earlier, even cleaning my room gives me a sense of accomplishment that is comparable to sitting down with a new video game for the first time.

Certain things that I enjoy doing while on Vyvanse would have to be work (obviously), studying, reading, cleaning, working out, and generally being productive. Without a doubt one of my favorite things is coloring. I cannot quite put my finger on why, but I think it has something to do with paying attention to the detail of getting everything in the lines coupled with the feeling of watching something come together as well as the huge sense of accomplishment once it is done.

All in all, I have to say from personal experience, that this is a much better alternative to Adderral, because it takes care of the one thing Adderral does not, which is the craving to learn. I get a more profound satisfaction from the work that I do, and it does not turn me into a zombie.

I take 50 Mg daily, it is time released, and has to be ingested in order for the medication to take effect. If taken regularly in the capsule it will last for roughly 10 hours. The 50 mg dosage is equivalent to a 72 Mg dosage of Ritalin or Concerta. Vyvanse is offered in as little as a 10 Mg dose all the way up to 70 Mg.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 71489
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 22, 2010Views: 1,692
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