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Maybe a Little Too Much
Citation:   elbarberino. "Maybe a Little Too Much: An Experience with Ketamine (exp71511)". Aug 13, 2018.

  repeated insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
I'll write what I can remember.

There was this new k going around. The vials had yellow caps, as opposed to the green caps we were buying. Now, the green cap stuff was already the best shit we'd ever tried, and the yellow stuff was considered like twice as good at least. Anyways, I really dont remember much. I remember sitting in my friends room, doing lines off a cd case. Piper at the gates of dawn. I probably had like 5 lines over an hour or two. I just remember being fucked at this point.

Now, we had to walk my one friend home. So on the way back, through the park, we do a couple massive bumps of the yellow cap stuff. Today was some holiday....victoria day I guess, so there were a bunch of people at the park lighting off fireworks.
I remember the clouds being incredibley well defined, blue and pink, like a mountain I could grab. Looking back on it, I remember the trees seeming like they were miles away but growing tall enough so that they were still the same size from where I was standing. Anyways, my friend and I stood watching this one family lighting off fireworks for awhile. The fireworks looked fucking brilliant. They each developed like personalities, because they sometimes set off several of the same one. I remember one that went really high really fast, and I was freaking out, thinking it had gone up into space, and then getting the thousand-ideas-per-second about outerspace and the size of the universe. One of the fireworks looked like a crowd of gangsters standing in a plume of gunsmoke, shooting at us in a frenzy. Anyways, at this point we're completely tripping balls, I'm not even going into detail about how fucked up this was.

But we made it back to his house, watching cirque de soleil. Oh yeah, I remember calling my mom and talking to her for a bit, saying I'd be home soon and stuff. But I was trying to make small talk so I didn't seem fucked, and I asked 'can I have a bagel for breakfast tomorrow?' I guess she walked over to where the bagels are in our kitchen at home to check if they were good and she said 'umm....yup you can have one' and as I heard her say that I just completely, fully envisioned myself as her in my kitchen standing over the bagels, that was really fucked. Back on the couch, watching cirque de soleil, I remember fucking guys doing backflips endlessly over this red ribbon, I was SO confused, it seemed to go on forever, I was watching the clock telling myself it wouldn't be as intense in 10 minutes or so. I was completely mindfucked watching tv, like, shattered thought process, all of the wrong things connecting.

I eventually left and rode my bike home, and understood what one of my friends had been telling me earlier about this feeling of all the meaning in his life being stripped away when he was on too much k. It wasn't this big, profound, wasnt an was like, a lack of any feeling at all, even a lack of a lack, everything seemed the same, I could have done anything and it would have had the same outcome as anything else, its a really strange feeling. Anyways, I got home, smoked some pot, and eventually went to sleep. By the next morning I had already forgotten most of the night....and now a couple weeks later, it's even murkier. But it was a fun night. At the time, I thought 'getting this fucked up is a hassle, this is too much' but since then I've handled it better. K is a great drug!

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 71511
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 13, 2018Views: 816
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Ketamine (31) : General (1), Difficult Experiences (5), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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