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It Changed My Life
by gsir
Citation:   gsir. "It Changed My Life: An Experience with MDMA (exp71522)". Sep 13, 2018.

1 capsl oral MDMA (capsule)
  1 tablet oral MDMA (pill / tablet)
Last weekend I had my first 'real' experience with ecstasy, and it totally changed my life, in a good way. I had experimented with ecstasy 2 times prior to this time, but both times were in small doses and I never really found the desired effects (you know... Feeling connected to others, music sounding spectacular, etc..). In terms of drug experience, I've done marijuana, alcohol, tobacco, salvia, and coke. But now onto the experience...

Two of my friends and I attended ETD POP 2008 in san francisco, which is basically a big rave with top world DJs (I.e. Tiesto was there). When we arrived my friend and I took a Molly (pure MDMA powder in a capsule), and then we went and stood in line to get in. There were fifteen thousand ppl, so it took a while to get into the venue, about 45 minutes. We made small talk with the two people in front of us, an indian guy and short blond chick. They seemed like nice people, but I was more concerned with how I was feeling, so I didn't make much of the two stangers... But they come back later.

So finally we get into the main stage area (the trance section of the rave/concert). And the music sounds really crisp and clear, and I feel good, but I don't feel like I'm truly 'rolling.' So I take a pink playboy pill, and about 40 minutes later I experienced a feeling that I've never in my life felt... It's unexplainable. I just feel so good. Uninhibited. Friendly. Sympathetic to people's feelings. Loving. Wanting to make a connection. It was just a great feeling.
I just feel so good. Uninhibited. Friendly. Sympathetic to people's feelings. Loving. Wanting to make a connection. It was just a great feeling.
.. I'm happy, I can feel every beat of the music pulsing through my body, and I'm just up and dancing, feeling myself (tacticle sensation is really amplified). So my friends and I are giving each other massages, which we would never do if we weren't on this drug. And we have people give us a personal light show. Basically, I'm sitting in a chair and someone is standing directly in front of me with either phototon lights or color finger lights and they're making patterns and just moving the lights in crazy directions, and the lights just put me in a trance. It sounds weird, but it's incredible.

And now for the best part of the night.... So I'm peaking. Everything in my life is PERFECT. Not a worry. Just feeling very loving and happy, a feeling I haven't felt in a long while. But this feeling is like that multiplied by 1000. Imagine being the happiest you could ever feel, and multiplying that by 100. I feel like we are all 'one,' like deep inside us we all have some unifying element. I'm telling my friends that I'm having such a great time, and that I love them. So I'm just 'feeling' the music and having a good time, and I turn around, and who do I see? Out of 15,000 ppl here, I see the two people that were standing in front of us in line. And let me tell you, I have never in my life felt so connected to two indivuals in my entire life. And these are people I met about 2 hours ago, in line, and no virtually nothing about. But I was so excited and happy to see them, it was unexplainable. It was like seeing your best friend that you haven't seen in 10 years, but even stronger than that. I felt so connected to two strangers. I remember saying that I was so happy to see them, and that I love them, and that this is was my first rave and that I was having a great time. They both gave me hugs back and said that they were happy two see me, with big smiles on their faces. They were both said they were happy to see me, and that this was their first rave two (however, I know it wasn't... And know that they knew this was my first time rolling, but honestly, I felt that they were just such genuine, loving people.) Never in my life have I ever felt so connected (on such a deep level) to two people, let alone strangers, in my entire life. It was incredible and taught me that we are all the same on the inside. All human beings share something inside that unifies us.

That was easily the most memorable part of the night, the night that took my experience with ecstasy to a whole new level. The rest of the night... After I finished talking to my 'new best friends,' my friend and I went to buy water, and I remember going up to random people saying 'this is my first rave. I'm so happy' and I remember this one raver chick who looked down about something, put on a fake smile and said enthusiastically 'omg me too!' and I believed her and all was still right in the world. Not a worry in me. I then proceeded to call my sister and tell her that I was having the best night of my life. And then bought water, and went back into the venue, chewing gum nonstop the whole night (my jaw was a little sore the next day). The music sounded good and everything, and I slowly started to come down.

By 1:30 - 2am we were in the car in the parking lot, waiting to leave, and I felt pretty down/depressed. It almost seemed like the whole night was a distant memory. And as much as the coming down sucked, the emotions/feelings/sensations I felt that night were definitely worth it. It's a night I'll never forget.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 71522
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 13, 2018Views: 903
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MDMA (3) : General (1), First Times (2), Glowing Experiences (4), Music Discussion (22), Festival / Lg. Crowd (24)

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