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6 Hours in Hell
H.B. Woodrose
Citation:   Anonymous. "6 Hours in Hell: An Experience with H.B. Woodrose (exp71561)". May 20, 2018.

6 seeds   H.B. Woodrose
About 3 months ago, I took 6 seeds at around 10 PM. It was probably one of the stupidest things I ever did. At first I felt a little giddy, but everything took a turn for the worse. We all (my sister and her boyfriend took them too) sat down and watched American Beauty. Seeing as it was hilarious, I was pretty slaphappy, but then the violent ending sent me spiraling into a bad trip. I kept running into my sister's room the whole night because I was absolutely terrified. I knew nothing bad could happen, but I was still so scared that I was thinking of hanging myself. The room was slanted, and the doors and walls had gray lines moving across them, thus making them look like they were moving. I was freaking out until 4 AM, when I finally fell asleep. My parents were disappointed, and didn't trust me for a long time. It is not worth it. The high is nothing spectacular, so it is definately not worth the risk and side effects.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 71561
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 20, 2018Views: 825
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